【lesson】Lesson 41

小学二年级英语教案 2018-05-30 网络整理 晴天


Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching Objectives:

1. Learn how to plant a tree.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Language Focus:

neither…nor, tie…to, must, should.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check homework. Read some perfect writing to the class.

III .Leading in

T: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Most people like spring. Because we can see trees and flowers. Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day. It’s March 12 tomorrow. So what is happening tomorrow? Let’s listen to the tape, try to find the answer.

Get the students to read the dialogue and repeat after the cassette. Then let the students practise the dialogue in pairs.

IV. Teaching Reading

Just let the students understand the reading; do not pay more attention to the new knowledge. Look at the books, read the instructions with the whole class. Explain: just right, neither.. .nor

Read the passage “How To Plant A Tree” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page with the whole class.

The answers are: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T

V. Practice

Get the students to listen to the reading. Then read after the tape, ask the class to read it by themselves. Choose some of them to read in class.

VI. Teaching Language Focus

Remind the students of instructions using “must” and “should”. Draw this table on the blackboard.

The earth should

The hole should not

The ground must

The tree must not

Get the students to make up sentences using those boxes. Pay attention to the followings. Let the students really understand them.

1. neither: Neither answer is right. Neither of his parents is a teacher.

Note: neither…nor…

Neither Tom nor Jane is from American.

Neither you nor I am right.

2. tie ...to...

Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight.

Tie the cat to the door to keep it quiet.

3. so that

He gets up early every day so that he can get to school on time.

Anna studied very hard so that she could catch up with the class.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercise 1. Write down the missing words; 1. plant, shall, dig, get/carry, help 2. enough, right 3 .put, sure, earth.

For Exercise 2, let the students read the model first, then practise orally with their partners. Finally write down the answers.

VIII. Consolidation

Ask the students to tell the class how to plant a tree.

Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with the right form

1. Come to school __________ your old clothes tomorrow.

2. It’s Tree __________ Day.

3. The ground must be ___________ right ___________ too wet ___________ too dry.

4. Dig a large hole ___________ for the tree.

5. Water it well, as ___________ as possible.

6. Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it ___________.

7. Knock a long, strong stick ___________ the earth ___________ to the hole.

IX .Homework

1. Finish off the workbook.

2. Revise the contents of this lesson.


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