【2b铅笔和hb铅笔有什么区别】2B Unit3 同步练习

小学二年级英语教案 2018-05-27 网络整理 晴天


class ______  name ___________  no. _____  mark ____________  听力部分(50%)1.      listen and circle (听音,圈出你听到的字母组、单词或词组)(10%)⑴ lfrkkrlfflrk⑵ ahcbcbahacbh⑶ oqnmoqmnopmn⑷ crgjjgcrcrjg⑸ comecleango⑹ airhairchair⑺ openlookclose⑻ bedbagbig⑼ in the bedon my bedunder the bed⑽ behind the deskbehind the tablebeside the table 2.      listen and circle(听音,圈出你听到的句子)(6%)⑴  a. there is a cat in the park.b. there is a bird in the park.c. there are cats in the park. ⑵  a. this is a door.b. this is a doll.c. this is a dog. ⑶  a. kitty is on the table.b. kitty is under the table.c. kitty is near the table. ⑷  a. please clean the desk.b. clean the desk.c. clean the desk, please. ⑸  a. there is the shirt on my bed.b. there is my shirt on the bed.c. there is a shirt on my bed.⑹  a. there are four books on the chair.b. there are five books on the chair.c. there are four books under the chair. 3.      listen and write(听单词,写出所缺的字母)(12%)⑴ s __ fa⑵ t __ bl __⑶ ch __ ir⑷ cl __ a __ ⑸ r __ b __ er⑹ w __ nd __ w⑺ m __  b __ d ⑻ y __ ll __ w  s __ e __ t⑼ __ nder  the  l __ __ p 4.      listen and match(听音,连线)(10%)⑴ table    ••••••• on the bed⑵ apple   •• on the sofa⑶ lamp•• on the floor⑷ doll•• on the chair⑸ bag•• on the table 5.      listen and fill in the blanks(听音,填入所缺单词)(6%)this is my ______ . there is a bed and ______ table in it. ______ the table, there is a ______ and a book. on the bed, there _______ a doll and a bag. what a nice room. i ______ my room. 6.      listen and tick (听音,在表格内打勾) (6%) jumprunsingdanceswimwritelucy      mike      spotty       书面部分(50%)1.      look and underline the vowels (找出元音字母,在它下面划线)(6%)c d i m        g i n e        j e n h        f o p u  2.      fill in the blanks (写出下列字母的左右邻居) (!0%)⑴ __ d __⑵ __ __ y⑶ g __ __⑷ __ __ w⑸ __ t __  3. read and circle (圈出不同类的词) (5%)⑴ doorwindowbedfly⑵ rubberpencilorangebook⑶ henroomelephantsheep⑷ sweetapplejellysofa⑸ sheepcowgoatlamb 4.      read and choose(选择正确的内容,将字母编号填入括号内)(7%)(     ) ⑴         your chair, please.a. openb. closec. clean(     ) ⑵ the bag is         the bed.a. atb, inc. on(     ) ⑶ there is          elephant in the zoo.a. ab. twoc. an(     ) ⑷ this is not          .a. a bigb. big bagc. a big bag(     ) ⑸ there         a book, a rubber and a ruler.a. areb. isc. have(     ) ⑹ there are          cars in my room.a. ab. somec. an(     ) ⑺ i have a bag. it is         bag.a. yourb. youc. my 5. read and circle (读一读,圈出正确的问句与答句) (6%)⑴ open the window, please. a. ok.b. yes, i do.⑵ is there a table in your room? a. there is a table in my room.b. yes.⑶ it can jump. a. what can you do?b. what can kitty do?⑷ what do you see? a. you see a bird.b. i see a bird.⑸ there is a bus and a van on the road. a. what’s on the road?b. is there a bus and a van on the road?⑹ what’s in your bag? a. there is a book in my bag.b. it is a book in my bag. 7.      make sentences (连词成句) (16%)⑴ underisthemaytree  ⑵ thepleasewindowclean   ⑶ isbagthismy   ⑷ lampmythereroomaisin   12guessing () :  what am i?  i’ve got four legs.  i can not walk (走).  i am in the room.  i am in the dining-room.  what am i?                            it’s a _____________.  2b unit3listening materials1.  listen and circle (听音,圈出你听到的字母组、单词或词组)(10%)⑴ lfrk⑵ cbah⑶ opmn⑷ crgj ⑸ come⑹ hair⑺ look ⑻ big ⑼ under the bed⑽ beside the table  2.  listen and circle(听音,圈出你听到的句子)(6%)⑴  a. there is a cat in the park.⑵  b. this is a doll.⑶  a. kitty is on the table.⑷  a. please clean the desk.⑸  c. there is a shirt on my bed.⑹  c. there are four books under the chair.3.  listen and write(听单词,写出所缺的字母)(12%)⑴ sofa⑵ table⑶ chair⑷ clean ⑸ rubber⑹ window⑺ my  bed ⑻ yellow  sweet⑼ under  the  lamp4.  listen and match(听音,连线)(10%)hello! i’m ann. look, this is my room. there is a table on the floor, it’s pink. there is an apple on the chair, it’s big and red. i like to eat apples. there is a lamp on the table. there is a doll on the bed, she is my friend. on the sofa, there is a bag, there are many books in it. look at my room, how nice! do you like it?5.  listen and fill in the blanks(听音,填入所缺单词)(6%)this is my room . there is a bed and  a  table in it. on the table, there is a lamp and a book. on the bed, there is  a doll and a bag. what a nice room. i like my room.6.      listen and tick (听音,在表格内打勾) (6%)⑴ hello! i’m lucy. i’m a girl. i can sing. i like to dance. i can do dance very well.⑵ a: hi, mike. what can you do?   b: me? i can write.   a: write? it’s good. and can you dance?   b: no, i can’t. i can swim. i can swim very fast.⑶ hello! i’m spotty. i am a dog. i’m only three. i like to eat meat and drink milk. i can do many things. i can run. i can jump. i can jump high.
2b unit3 同步练习 来自。 12


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