[2b铅笔和hb铅笔有什么区别]2B Unit1 period 4(上海版牛津英语教案)

小学二年级英语教案 2018-05-27 网络整理 晴天


lesson plan
school: no1. primary school, huangpu district
name: ni hongxing
book: oxford english (shanghai edition)2b unit 1
topic: farm animals
aims: 1. structures: what do you hear? i hear?
      2. words: sheep, pig
      3. function: asking ?wh-? questions to find out specific information
language focus: using present tense to express the thing people hear
aids:   computer, pictures
procedurescontentsmethodspurposeⅰ.pre-taskpreparation1. warming-up( a picture)t: ask pupils to say a rhyme.ps: say the rhyme.通过儿歌帮助学生回忆所学内容,为以后的学习做准备。2. questions and answers:what do you see? ( a picture)t: ask pupils to tell what they see in the picture and try to describe it.pn: answer. ⅱ.while-task   procedurecontent 1:i hear?o:p>1. introduction:(computer)t: introduce the new sentence to pupils.通过媒体,让学生先听声音,后出示画面,使学生立即理解所学语言的含义。运用生动的画面调动学生学习的积极性。2. imitation:i hear?o:p>1)t: ask pupils to follow.  t-ps2)t: ask pupils to change their voices and  say the sentence.3. substitution:(computer)t: let pupils listen and say the sentences.ps: say the sentences.4. guessing game:how many 卍o you hear?t: ask several pupils to act as different animals and make sounds. let one pupil listen and guess how many animals he/she hears.pa-ps 1.让学生通过听音猜出动物的数量这一游戏,操练i hear?的复数表达方式,有趣的游戏,能提高学生的兴趣。2.利用情景进行教学。丰富的背景声音,让学生体验农场的热闹氛围,而随着答案的揭示,各种动物出现在画面上,让学生仿佛置身于农场之中。5. conclusion:the usage of the new sentence.  (computer)t: let pupils listen and answer what they hear on the farm.pn content 2:sheep1. introduction:(computer)t: introduce the new word to pupils.       通过儿歌即操练所学单词,又帮助学生掌握sheep这个单词特殊的复数形式。2. imitation:  sheep1)t: ask pupils to follow.  t-ps2)t: ask pupils to act as sheep and say.3. saying a rhyme:(computer)t: ask  pupils say the rhyme after the teacher.ps: follow the teacher.4. guessing game: where is the sheep?(computer)t: let pupils listen and guess where the sheep is.pn: answer.content 3:pig1. introduction:(computer)t: introduce the new word to pupils.       让学生通过听猪儿的不同的声音,猜猜它们在干什么。激发他们的想象能力,提高他们的语言表达。2. imitation:  pig1)t: ask pupils to follow.  t-ps2)t: ask pupils to act as pigs and say.3. guessing game:(computer)t: ask pupils to listen to the different sounds and let them discuss in groups what the pig is doing.pn: answer.12content 4:what do you hear?1.introduction:t: introduce the new sentence to pupils.                  让学生通过自由的交流,巩固所学语言,提高操练的效益。2. imitation:what do you hear?1) t: ask pupils to follow.  t-ps2)t : ask pupils to change their voices and say the sentence.3. saying a rhyme:     1)t: ask pupils to say the rhyme after the teacher.ps: follow the teacher.2)t: ask pupils to work in groups and make new rhymes.pg: say rhymes.4. activity: what do you hear?t: ask pupils to walk around the classroom , make different animals sounds and ask their classmates what they hear.ⅲ. post-task   activitymaking dialogues:t: ask pupils to make a short dialogue in pairs.pa-pb充分培养学生语言的重组能力,使新旧语言得到融会贯通。以学生为本,对于不同学习能力的学生提出不同的要求。ⅳ.assignment1. copy the   words.2. let them say what they hear on the way  home. 让学生通过书面进一步巩固语言。

    这堂课的教学内容比上一堂课多了一个单词。这是因为学生在学会了what do you see? i see?这组句子的基础上再学习 what do you hear? i hear?时已无太大的困难,所以安排了比前一堂课较多的学习内容。
    在设计这篇教案时,我创设了丰富的情景,让学生在有声有色的环境中学习目标语言。在教学单词 ?句型?what do you hear? i hear厰时,我通过多媒体创设了农场热闹的情景,到处是动物,到处充满了动物的叫声。喧嚣的景象,让学生仿佛置身于现实。使语言的学习变得更为自然。

2b unit1 period 4(上海版牛津英语教案) 来自。 12


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