
小学二年级英语教案 2018-05-24 网络整理 晴天


课题:unit 8  time    let’s learn                                        第 1  课时课型:n教学目标basic aim: to learn the new words: watch  clock  day  nightdeveloping aim:        make some sentences with the new words教 学 重点、难点、关 键 pronounce words properly课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图warming-upsong创设气氛daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.      what do you see?2.      what do you want?3.      what do you hear?4.      what can you do?5.      what do you like to do?巩固旧句型并培养学生的听说能力new learning1.      to teach: watch(1). ask a pupil: have you a watch?(2). point to the watch and say:look! i have a watch. it’s on my wrist.(3). say after the teacher: watch(4). make some sentences with “watch”e.g.  i have a watch.     this is my watch.由提问式引入引起学生注意并运用所学句型造句,使新词消化巩固。2.      to teach : clock(1). show a clock and ask the pupilst: is this a watch?p: no, it isn’t.t: what’s this?(2). point to the clock and sayt: this isn’t a watch. it’s a clock.(3). say after the teacher: clock(4). make some sentences with “clock”.e.g.  listen to the clock.     look at the clock.   由师生问答式帮助学生理解新词含义并用旧句型将新词活用。3.      quick response(1). t: point to the clock and the watch.p: read out the quickly.(2). p1: read out the clock and the watch.p2: pick out their pictures quickly. 激发学生学习兴趣,并对前面二个新词加以巩固。课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图 4.      to teach: day(1). draw the sun and some white clouds on the board and say:it’s a fine day. the sun is shining. there are some white clouds in the sky. it is day. understand?(2). say after the teacher: day(3). ask and answer(t&p)t: do you like day?p: yes, i do. (no, i don’t.)通过图画叙述让学生尽快理解新词含义,并用问答式加以巩固。5.      to teacher: night(1). draw the moon and some stars on the board. ask the pupils:t: is it day?p: no, it isn’t.t: yes, it isn’t day. it’s night.(2). say after the teacher: night(3). free talke.g.   i like day.      i don’t like night.用对比教学法引出新词,并让学生说出自己的情感。6.      guessing gamelook at the teacher’s mouth and let the pupils say out the word what the teacher said.吸引学生注意力。consolidation1.      listen to the tape and say after it from watch to night.2.      match the pictures to the words.纠正发音,进一步巩固新词。homeworklisten and read out the new words. 板书设计    教学具准备 word and picture cardstaperecordera watcha clock 课后小结            课题:unit 8 time       let’s learn                                     第 2  课时课型:n教学目标basic aim: 1. review the words: watch  clock  day  night          2. to learn the new words: breakfast  lunch  dinnerdeveloping aim: 1. to learn the word: supper              2. make some phrases.教 学 重点、难点、关 键 pronounce words properly课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图warming-uprhyme激活气氛daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.      do you like night?2.      four spoons?3.      who’s he/she?4.      is it hot?5.      can you skip?培养学生的听说会话能力revisionwords: watch  clock  day  night1.      look at the pictures and read out the words quickly.2.      read the words and pick out the pictures quickly3.  match the pictures to the words.用不同的方法复习旧知避免枯燥乏味new learning1.      to teacher: breakfast(1). show a clock. set it to 7 o’clock and do an action for eating. say: breakfast(2). say after the teacher: breakfast(3). show some bread and milk and do an action for eating. say: have breakfast(4). say after the teacher: have breakfast情景法使学生更容易理解所学材料,并将新词结合词组一起学习。2.      to teacher: lunch(1). show a clock. set it to 12 o’clock and do an action for eating. say: lunch(2). say after the teacher: lunch(3). make a phrase: have lunch3.      to teacher: dinner(1). show a clock. set it to 6 o’clock. point to the picture of “night” while doing the eating action.say: dinner(2). say after the teacher: dinner(3). make a phrase: have dinner(4). t: “have dinner” we can also say “have supper”.让学生在前面学习基础上,自己说出词组。补充supper一词,注重课外输入量。  consolidation1.      listen to the tape and say after from breakfast to dinner.2.      quick response(1). point to the pictures and say out the words quickly.通过动手操作,让学生体会学习的乐趣,使他们在课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图 (2). say the words and pick out the pictures quickly.(3). match the pictures to words. 动中学,在学中乐中巩固消化所学材料。letterto teacher: z z  zoo1.      show a picture of a zoo and ask t: is this a park?   p: no.   t: what’s this?   p:   t: it’s a zoo.2.      say several times.3.      show the word card for “zoo” and say after the teacher.4.      can you read out the first letter in this word?is it the capital letter or the small letter?5.      compare the capital letter “z” with the small letter “z”.6.      say after the teacher : zz↗↘ zoo↗↘ zz-/z/-zoo7.      write out: zz homeworklisten and read. 板书设计    教学具准备 word and picture cardssome foodtape recorder  课后小结             课题:unit 8  time     let’s act                                     第 3  课时课型:n教学目标basic aim:1. using imperatives to give simple instructions          e.g.  may, get up!         education aim: educate the pupils to get up and go to bed early.教 学 重点、难点、关 键 to learn the phrases: get up, have lunch, go to bed课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图warming -uprhyme营造氛围daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.      what’s your name?2.      how old are you?3.      where do you live?4.      may i have a hot dog?5.      do you like summer?通过问答调动学生记忆思维revision1. words: breakfast  lunch  dinner  suppershow the pictures and say out the phrases quickly.   have breakfast   have lunch   have dinner   have supper能用词组正确表达图片含义2. letters(1). song <the letters song>(2). recite the letters from aa to zz.(3). match the capital letters to the small letters.(4). quick response    look at the letter cards and read out them quickly.对字母的音、形、 义能更准确的加以辨别new learning1.      get up(1). show a clock. set it to 8 o’clock. pretend to yawn and stretch the arms to illustrate waking up. say several times: get up(2). say after the teacher: get up(3). say and do the action情景法便于学生感知思维2.      have lunch(1). show a clock. set it to 12 o’clock and do an action for eating. say: have lunch(2). change the time and say:have breakfasthave lunchhave dinner/supper(3). show some pictures and say out theme.g.  have soup     have some noodles     have a hot dog(4). say and do the actions.通过不断变化的时间,使学生区别这三个词的含义,并让学生发散思维,使知识不断提升  课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图 3.      go to bed(1). set the clock to 7 o’clock and pretend to go to bed. point to the picture of “night”. say: go to bed(2). say after the teacher: go to bed(3) show some pictures and say out them.   e.g.  go to school        go to shanghai让学生对所学知识进行延伸和拓展consolidation1.      listen to the tape and say after it.2.      listen to the commands and do the actions.t&pgroup&groupp&p不同的对子活动法可以进一步调动学生的学习积极性homework1.      listen and read.2.      say and do the actions. 板书设计    教学具准备 a clocktaperecordersome picturesletter cards 课后小结             课题:unit 8  time       let’s talk                                     第  4 课时课型:n教学目标1.      asking ‘wh-‘ questions to find out the timee.g.  what time is it?2.      using formulaic expressions to express timee.g.  it’s three o’clock.教 学 重点、难点、关 键 ask and answer: what time is it?              it’s _____o’clock.课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图warming-upsong培养情感daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.      are you a pupil?2.      what’s the weather like?3.      what day is today?4.      do you like summer?5.      what colour is it?让旧句型在不断听说中得到强化revisionlisten and actget up!have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper!go to bed!1. t: say               p: do the actions.2. t: do the actions.      p: say.培养学生合作学习氛围new learning1.      review the numbers1-10(1). sing a song <ten little rabbits(2). ask and answere.g .  t:  how many? (take out the fingers)     p:  three.为后面学习作铺垫2.      to teacher: it’s ________o’clock.(1). show a big clock. show the pupils various times on the clock. put the clock to one o’clock. say several  times.(2)say after the teacher: it’s one o’clock.(3). the teacher says a time and let the pupils put the clock to the correct time.(4). the teacher puts the clock to a time and let the pupils say out the correct time.(5). according to the pictures and say out the time using “it’s ______o’clock.”(pupil’s book p40)教师的演示帮助学生直接思维,学生的动手操作激发兴趣,在不断操练中培养学生的听说及动手动脑能力3.      to teacher: what time is it?(1). put the clock to one o’clock and ask:t: what time is it?(say several times)p: it’s one o’clock.(2). what’s the meaning this sentence?(3). say after the teacher: what time is it?(4). ask and answer: what time is it?                  it’s _________o’clock.     t&p                 p&p从扶持到放手,逐渐培养学生的提问能力课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图consolidation1.      listen to the tape and read after it.2.      pupil’s book p40 ask and answer: p1:what time is it?p2:it’s _______o’clock.i like to ____________.培养学生的合作学习情感,并将知识加以深化和提高homework1.      listen and read.2.      ask the pupils to draw a clock showing the time they usually do their activity. 板书设计    教学具准备 picturesrecordertapea clock 课后小结             课题:unit 8   time        let’s enjoy                                     第 5  课时课型:n教学目标1.      using the simple present tense to express habitual actionse.g.  sam, go to bed.2.      using formulaic expressions to express timee.g.  it’s ten o’clock.教 学 重点、难点、关 键 act out the story.课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图warming-upsong创设氛围daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.      what time is it?2.      i’m sorry.3.      a knife?4.      what do you want?5.      is summer hot?在滚雪球式的不断操练中培养学生的听说能力revision1.      listen and actgo to bed!get up!brush your teeth!wash your face!have breakfast!have lunch!have dinner/supper!t: say              p: do the actionst: do the actions      p: say一方面激发学生兴趣,另一方面为新课作准备。2.      ask and answershow a big clock. put the clock to a time and let the pupils say out the correct time.t: what time is it?p: it’s _________o’clock.培养学生的动手动脑能力new learning1.      show the pictures on pupil’s book p41 and talk about them.2.      try to read the story.3.      listen to the tape and read after it.4.      act out the story.mum&sam所学材料都是一些熟知 的内容,让学生自学,培养学生自主学习能力。consolidation1.      ask the pupils to say out sam’s daily life.e.g.  6:00        get up7:00        have breakfast8:00        go to school11:00       have lunch2:00        play football4:00        go home8:00        watch tv9:00        go to bed适当补充一些动词词组,扩充课外信息量,并使所学材料说的更加丰富。课  序教  学  过  程  设  计设计意图 2.      free talkask the pupils to say out daily life themselves.让各层次学生各尽所能,在各自岗位上实现自我价值。homework1. listen and read after.2. act out the story 板书设计    教学具准备 taperecorderpicturessome objects 课后小结              
英语牛津教材2b-unit8教案 来自。


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