牛津英语1a教案_牛津英语2a教案 Unit2 A snack bar

小学二年级英语教案 2018-05-18 网络整理 晴天


一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson1二.学生素质发展目标:language focus:1. using imperatives to give simple instructions.                 2. using indefinite determiner ‘some’ to show quantities.3. can use the instructions in the daily life.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: teach the new instructions:1) have some noodles/soup. 2) here you are. thank you!四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure: producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings:t: hello, everyone.ss: hello, teacher.t: how do you do!ss: how do you do!2.       sing a song say ‘hello’ to each other.   sing a song together.通过问候和歌曲的形式开始英语课堂比较活泼,能充分调起学生的积极性和学习兴趣。 while-taskprocedure1.         review the words:t hold up a pictures of noodles and soup, then say ‘noodles’ , ‘soup’ slowly. encourage ss to read.2.         teach the new instructions:1)t :(show the picture of noodles )‘i like to eat noodles. do you like noodles?’ss: yes.t: ok, have some noodles. ( do the gestures)ss repeat.2) t invite more able s to come up and say ‘have some noodles.’ to the s and ask him/her to repeat the command and imitate the action.(several times)3) to show other things to instead of ‘noodles’.4) listen to the tape and follow it, and mime the actions.5) t give one s a bowl of soup and say ‘here you are, have some soup’.the s must say: thank you.5) t invite individual ss to act out the scene.    review the words  which they have leaned last term.    review the words by the pictures.      teach the sentences directly. ss follow.    use other things to replace ‘noodles’. say by the ss. listen and repeat. act.这两个单词是上学期学过的,所以只要通过图片或单词卡片就能达到复习效果。     通过展示图片和老师的自问自答来直接教授,让学生在听觉上首先感受一下,之后通过模仿并理解意思而且还邀请学生参与来学习,这样记忆比较容易,印象也深刻。  通过其他许多不同的事物来巩固是让他们更好的掌握。  直接通过场景来表达‘here you are.’学生理解起来比较快。  12345post-taskactivitiesinvite pairs of ss to act out the dialogue to the class. ss vote for the best pair.perform and vote.再通过他们的表演巩固知识。 assignments     板书:          unit 2 have some noodles.have some soup.……       教学后记:这一课时主要是have some…句子的教授,由于过去知识的积累,这一句话对大部分学生来说是比较简单的。所以我是直接引入教授,让学生自己朗读,之后通过各种食品的带入来巩固,并且利用游戏来配合,整堂课活泼有趣,效果明显。一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson2二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: 1.using formulaic expressions to buy something.2.using indefinite articles to refer to a particular things.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: teaching aims: 1. teach the new words: hot dog, pizza2.teach the new instructions: may i have…?                sure, here you are.四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings:t: good morning, boys and girls.ss: good morning, miss shen.t: sit down, please.ss: thank you, miss shen.2.       revision:revise the commands and sentences taught in the previous lessons with the ss. check if they remember the actions that go with these commands and sentences.   greetings in the class.      revise the commands and sentences by the actions.           在教师的引导下,复习了已学的知识,为新授内容做铺垫。 while-taskprocedure1.       say a rhyme:i like chicken, yummy, yummy. i like meat, yummy, yummy……2.to use the words ‘ noodles’ and ‘soup’ to instead of ‘chicken’ and ‘meat’. 2.       teach the new words:t put up the pictures to teach the words ‘hot dog’ and ‘pizza’.ss follow t to read the words. and then look at the word cards to read them one by one.3.       teach the new instruction: t( invite one s to come up): ‘may i have a hot dog?’t: sure, here you are.(t say it several times then explain the meaning of these.)t (invite another one): may i have a pizza?s2: sure, here you are.123454. listen to the tape and repeat.5.practice:use the food on the table to get ss to practice asking for things.   say the rhyme together.   put other words into the rhyme.    teach the new words by the pictures and word cards.      teach the new instruction by ask and answer.       listen and say.    act out.通过歌谣的朗读活跃气氛。   用以往学的单词配合进去是为了更好的复习单词。  通过图片和单词卡片的展示让学生直接接触单词,比较直观,容易记忆。     在老师自问自答的情况下教授是为了让学生自己理解其意思,让他们开动脑筋。   这是十分重要的步骤。  通过不同的图片让学生巩固所学的内容,不会枯燥且印象深刻。post-taskactivities set out the snack shop items on the table and invite groups to come to the front and act out the scene.  act in the class. 给学生搭建一个展示的舞台,以激发学生的积极性。assignments     板书:                 教学后记:本课时是单词和句子的教授,由于单词只有少量学生很容易掌握,加上句子的教授一堂课内容还是比较丰富的,学生对于sure, here you are.的发音不是很好,要多多练习。一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson3二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: 1.using nouns to identify food and drinks.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. teach the new words: biscuit, water, juice.2. teach new sentence: may i have some…?四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings:t: hello, boys and girls.ss: hello, teacher.t: how are you?ss: fine, thank you. and you?t: very well. thanks.2.       act:t prepare some food(sandwich, ice-cream, hot dog, pizza…...)s1: hello, may i have a sandwich?s2: sure, here you are.s1: thank you.(several times)   say ‘hello’ to others.     act the dialogues out in pairs. 互相问候进入英语课堂。      通过表演来复习句子和单词,这样即复习到知识又不会让学生乏味。 12345while-taskprocedure1.       teach the new words and sentences:t( put out a biscuit): who know, what is it?ss: no feedback.t: it’s a biscuit.ss read one by one.t: i’m hungry. may i have a biscuit?s3: here you are.t: thanks.ss read again.t: how many biscuits can you see?ss: …t: may i have some biscuits.ss: here you are.t: oh, this time i’m thirsty. may i have some water?(read the word ‘water’ several times)s4: sure, here you are.t: good.now , i’m thirty again. may i have some juice?s5: yes.t explain ‘may i have a …?’ and ‘may i have some…?2.       practice:ss make some dialogues with their partners. use ‘may i have a …?’ or ‘ may i have some…?      teach the words and sentences by ask and answer between t and s or s and s.                       make dialogues and then act them out in pairs.      通过一问一答的方式来直接教授,简洁明了。并再在以往学的基础上教授新的知识也容易接受。                  通过他们自己编对话来巩固句子,一方面扩展了他们的思维,一方面锻炼了他们的口语。post-taskactivities put the words under the correct pictures. do the exercises in the class.通过单词搭配复习本单元所有的单词,更容易调动学生的积极性。 assignments     板书:                 教学后记:本课时的单词看来对孩子们并不难,就是water的发音有些难。而句子的教授就有部分学生要混淆了,特别是习惯的may i have a… 和 may i have some…中要用的复数形式容易混淆。练习是要特别注意。  一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson4二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: 1.using formulaic expressions to buy something.2. using nouns to identify food and drinks.3. using numerals before countable nouns to show quantities.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims:       1.review the words and sentences.2.let’s play.四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation123451.       warming up:1) say ‘hello’ to each other.2) say the story together.3) free talk: t: hellos1: hello.t: may i have a chair?s1: sure, here you are.t: may i have some books?s2: here you are.(several times)2.       review the words:stick the word cards on the board. hold up a picture card and ask ‘what is it?’. encourage individual ss to say ‘it is…’ and put the picture card next to its corresponding word on the board.then read together.  say hello in the class. say the story together.  ask and answer.         review the words, ask individual s to stick the words to the correct pictures.read together. 通过不同形式开始英语课堂,让学生通过不同形式来复习故事和句子。         看图说单词,然后配上单词卡片复习let’s learn.      while-taskprocedure1.       open the book and look first.t explain the meaning of the picture. look and listen the meaning. 2. t put the picture cards for the snack shop items on the table. invite a more able s to come to the front to be a customer. give him/her some money. the s must say ‘may i have…?’ and give shopkeeper some money. the shop keeper then give him/her the relevant picture card.  act out in pairs.通过模拟买东西的情景来复习句子等,让学生能够在日常生活中灵活运用。3.invite more ss to come up and playing the shopping game. let the more able s be the shopkeeper this time, and others be the customers.ask more ss to act out.学生看书听录音,感受模仿营业员和顾客的语音语调。4.t play the tape for ss to listen to native speakers saying the lines while they look at the pictures in their own books. listen and say in the class.听录音让学生把所听到的句子说出来,是锻炼的他们的听力。post-taskactivitiesplay a game: invite ss to come up and be the food and drinks.hot dog, hot dog, down, down.pizza, pizza, down, down.….. play a game together.通过游戏再次复习巩固单词。使整个课堂活跃。assignment     板书:           教学后记:本节课主要是通过表演来复习句子和单词,由于整堂课是通过表演来复习巩固的,所以气氛比较轻松愉悦,而且通过这样的练习可以让他们真正感受到平时在生活中的运用。一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson5二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: 1.using formulaic expressions to buy something.               2. using ‘too’ to express addition.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: 1. review the words and instructions.2. teach the story.四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       say ‘hello’ to each other.2.       revision:t: did you remember some food?ss: yes.have a small game:t put up the word cards for this unit on the left hand side of the board and their corresponding picture cards on the right hand side but in a random order. put a word card next to the picture card opposite and ask ‘is this right?’ encourage  ss to come up and put the word card next to the correct picture card. repeat until all the words have been reviewed.3.read all the words with ss. ask ‘what would you like to buy? tell ss to use ‘may i have…?’ in reply.say ‘hello’ to each other.       to have a game in the class. put the pictures to the correct words.            review the sentences by ask and answer.      通过小游戏来复习以往学过的食物,再通过复习句子为新课打好基础。while-taskprocedure1.       teach the story:1)t put out the wall-chart and say the story like this(ss look at the picture):one day, sam takes spotty to a snack bar. sam likes both hot dogs and pizza, so he asks the shopkeeper politely for one of each. while he is paying, spotty takes sam’s seat. oh on! it looks as though he is about to eat sam’s hot dog!2) ask questions such as the following:l       what does sam buy?l       who eats sam’s hot dog?( t explain the meaning of the story and questions.)   tell a story in the class and then ask some questions, invite individual to answer.通过学生最喜欢的形式讲故事来引出教授内容可以活跃气氛,让学生即享受到又学到。之后通过问答的形式来了解他们是否掌握。2. get ss to open the book . play the tape for ss to listen and follow.listen and repeat together.听录音让学生把所听到的句子说出来,是锻炼的他们的听力。3.read the story in english line by line for ss to repeat.read line by line after t.朗读是为了更好的锻炼他们的口语。4 get ss to point to the pictures as t play the tape again. encourage ss to repeat after the tape.  listen, point and read in the class.朗读并指向是为了让学生认读。post-taskactivities1.       divide ss into groups of three. ask them to act out the story. one s can wear a dog mask and pretend to be spotty. the other two ss will be sam and the shopkeeper.2.       invite a few groups to act out the story to the class. divide ss into groups of three to act the story.      通过表演把故事中的句子表演出来是为了更好的巩固。assignment     板书:           教学后记:本课时主要是教授故事,由于里面的内容大部分学生自己能看懂能读出来,所以整堂课没有什么难点,加上一些游戏就更显得愉快了。一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson6二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: language focus: can use the knowledge in the daily.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: teaching aims: 1. review the words and instructions.                               2. letter: cc, dd.                               3. finish the exercises. 四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings:t: good morning, boys and girls.ss: good morning, teacher.t: how are you?ss: very well. and you?t: fine, thank you.2.       free talk:1)t: may i have a ..?s1: sure, here you are.2)t: may i have some..?s2: sure, here you are.3. tell the story.say ‘hello’ to each other.        ask and answer to review the words and instructions. the group work.        通过对话复习所学知识,锻炼口语。 while-taskprocedure1.       letter cc and dd:t: do you remember the ‘abc’ song?ss: yes.t: let’s sing it now, ok?ss: ok. ( sing the song together)t: today we will write the letter ‘cc’ and ‘dd’.(they have learned them, so it’s easy to read.)2.       do the exercises:1)      listen and repeat the correct sentence.2)      listen and put a tick or cross in the box.3)      match and write the correct number in the box.4)      trace the letters.5)      draw lines to match the capital and small letters.6)      listen and circle the correct picture.   to teach the letter by the song. and then write.        listen and repeat.  listen and judge.   match and write.  trace the letters.draw lines.   listen and circle. 字母是一年级就学习过的,所以用歌曲带一下就好。而且还可以烘托气氛。       通过练习来进一步巩固所学知识。 post-taskactivitiesmake the dialogue: use the instructions they have learned.make the dialogue with their partner.通过对话展开他们的思维,锻炼他们的口语能力。assignments     板书:                 教学后记:本课时是练习课,通过练习检查学生的学习情况,也为了让学生更好巩固。  一.教学课题     unit2   a snack bar   lesson7二.学生素质发展目标:language focus: using nouns to identify food and drinks.三.教学重点和难点:teaching aims: to teach the new words: dumpling, bread, wine, chestnut四.主要教学方法:1.  read and say:2.  look, read and learn:3.  look and say:4.  think and guess:5.  look and read:教具teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.六.教学过程:teaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1.       greetings:t: good morning, boys and girls.ss: good morning, miss shen.t: sit down, please.ss: thank you, miss shen.2.       revision:1)      review the words first:t show the word cards and ss read them out. greetings in the class.        look and say.        在教授新单词之前,首先复习一下课内的单词。while-taskprocedure1.teach the new words: bread, dumpling, chestnut, wine.teach them by the pictures and guessing.2.make conversations:s1: may i have some…?s2: sure, here you are.   sorry. teach the words by the pictures and guessing.read them one by one, four by four.  make the conversations with each other.通过不同的方式教授新的单词,让学生积极性充分发挥出来。  通过对话来巩固所学单词。post-taskactivitiesplay a game:invite four ss from each group, then t point some words. they can jump one table if they read them out quickly. play the game in the class. 通过游戏来再次巩固单词。assignments     板书:                 教学后记:本课时是课外的单词,我是通过本单元的句子来教授的,给他们输入点课外的内容对学生有好处。12345


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