
九年级英语教案 2016-04-23 网络整理 晴天


9aunit2 checkout
知识目标   to review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
能力目标   to practice the grammar and vocabulary items.
情感目标   to make ss gain confidence through reviewing.
教学重难点 to check key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
1. revise the words and phrases in the unit
2. revise grammar in the unit
a  用所给词的适当形式填空:
1.i have difficulty________(do) my homework..it’s very_______(difficult) for me________(work) out this problem.
2.i prefer to___________(go) there.
3.i’d rather________(buy) this one than that one.
4.a teacher with her two students________(talk) in the office now.
5.i prefer_________(go)shopping to_________(stay) at home.
6.the girls are singing and dancing___________(happy).
7.sandy _________(prefer) to go out.
8.you can use a__________(shop) basket when you are in a supermarket.
9.he picked up the wallet __________(lie) on the ground.
10.do you mind________(open) the window?
1.i have problems with my computer.
_________ ___________ _______ _________ with my computer.
2.the new computer cost me too much money.
i________ too much money________the new computer.
3.english is such a useful language that we should learn it well.
i think __________ very important _________us__________learn english well.
4.i like swimming best of all.
swimming is ____________ __________ ________________.
5.mrs read is busy doing the housework.
mrs read________ ___________ ____________the housework.

9a  unit 3 teenage problems
comic strip & welcome to the unit
知识目标  1. know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases
2. know the different meanings of ‘get’
能力目标  1. talk about problems and their causes.
2. think about one’s problems and how to deal with them
情感目标  express problems and talk about solutions.
一. 预习导学
1. 发胖____________  2处理_____________3 时不时地____________
4.有充足的睡眠_______________________5没有可交谈的亲密朋友 ______________
6尝试更多的锻炼____________________ 7几乎把我逼疯__________________-
8有足够的时间做作业 9.吵闹_________________-10感到孤独_________________
b. read the comic strip several times
1.too much 和much too
eating too much is bad for our health。
eating too much will get much too fat。123456789
2. stomach 的复数加-es
3. have enough time to do one’s homework
4. drive sb mad
get a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep,
get excited, get a bus, get married
1). my uncle ______________ last year.
2). did you hear simon __________________ in the exam?
3). you didn’t ______________,did you?
4). the audience _____________ when they saw hello kitty.
5). my father _____________ to work every day.
6). shall we ________________ from an adviser?
 1、if you don’t get enough sleep,you will feel      (累的)in
2.look at my      (肚子),i’m full now.
3.he went        (ill in mind) and had to be put into a mental hospital.
4.some people have          (not healthy) food every day.
5.i’m sorry        (disturb) you ,but could you tell me how this machines works?
6.            ( luck ),he hurt his leg badly and had to stay in bed.
7.       tv too much is         for your eyes.
a  watch  good  b  watch  bad  c   watching good  d  watching  bad
8.yesterday my father           home late at night.
a  got  to   b  arrived  in  c  reached  at  d  got
9.it’s not good         you to quarrel        others.
a  of  with   b  for  with  c  for  at  d  of  about
10.what’s wrong        you ? i have a problem        my study.
a  with  to  b  with  with   c  to   with   d  to  to
11.don’t make a noise in class.(改为反义疑问句)
12.i like making friends with the students from other schools.
              do you like            with the students from other schools?123456789
13. i _______ (收到) a nice gift from my friend, but i didn’t ______ (接受) it.
14. thank you for ________ (匀出) time for me. i will have a good time with you.
15. he _______ (怀疑) _______ (是否) it is worth studying sor hard before he came to the college.
16. thanks for ______ (提供) so many good _________ (建议) to me.
reading (a)导学案
知识目标to understand how to write about problems and to express feelings
能力目标to ask for advice
情感目标to recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.
一. 课前预习
1. preview the new words and phrases of this period
2. pre-learn period 2: reading (a)
what can i do?
 millie simon
their problem she feels ___ every day. she often ___whether it is worth working so hard. he feels stressed and angry ____.
__of their problem she often stays up late to do endless____.she finished her work on time, but she can ____ spend any spare time on her hobbies. his parents ___him from playing outside after 6pm,while he believes that hobbies make people _____and peolple’s lives more interesting.
their wishes  
their common practice 
1. read millie’s letter aloud
ask questions to check understanding, e.g.
what is millie’s favorite hobby? (painting)
what is millie’s problem? (she doesn’t have enough time for hobbies and homework.)
2.read simon’s letter aloud.
ask questions to check understanding, e.g.
when does simon play football? (after school until late.)
how do his parents feel about it? (they don’t like this and ask him to go home before 6 p.m.)
3. some words and language points:
have no choice but to do it   hand in   refuse to do so much homework
be worth doing sth     give up
stay up late  achieve a balance between
1.my parents are very          (严格的)with me.
2.do you want to          (接受) my advice ? i’m sure it will help you a lot .
3.can you           (to give or provide) us some coffee?
4. he is q         (disagree using very angry words )
5.i shouted “hello”,but there was no r         .(answer)
6.they offered to help me, but i r         .( not accept)
7.you can come any day e          thursday.( not including)123456789
8.we have p          of rain here in summer.( lots of )
9.our teachers are very           with us. (严格)
10.a             is a young person between 13 and 19 years old. (青少年)
11.don’t            at those who have made mistakes.(嘲笑)
12.my grandfather often            from headache.(痛苦)
13. he always has enough        to face difficult kinds of difficulty.(勇气)
1,对。。。。。有益                      2,feel lonely             
3,与某人争吵                       4,at the moment            
5,hand in                          6,放弃          
7,hear from                       8,对……着迷           
9,be strict with sb.               10,从……得到(获得)            
11,too much                       12,要求某人给予             
13,be interested in                14 ,擅长。。。。。            
15,嘲笑某人                         16,speak up                 
17,依次,轮流做                  18,reply to                   123456789
19, 不再,再也不                  20,suffer from                
21,处理               22,share sth with sb.            
23,为…..发愁,着急         24,keep fit                         

reading (b.c.d)
知识目标 to understand how to write about problems and to express feelings
能力目标 to ask for advice
情感目标 to recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.
1. preview the new words and phrases of this period
2. pre-learn period 3: reading (bcd)
   3.find out the important sentences in the text
   1.i have no choice but to do it 我别无选择只得去做。
have no choice but to do sth
do nothing but do sth
   2.i often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.
   3.i am looking forward to a holiday without homework so that i can relax and have some time for my hobbies
    look forward to doing sth
    without doing sth
    have time for sth/to do sth
  4.be strict with sb   be strict in sth
  5. plenty of 可以修饰可数也可以不可数
    a great deal of 只可以接不可数名词
  6.can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.
  advise sb to do sth
  achieve/keep a balance between…and…..
1、the six blind men q         (争吵)about the elephant all day。
1. 六个盲人为大象的事吵了一整天。
2. 2、we couldn’t win the match without their        .
3. 没有他们的支持我们是不会赢得这场比赛的.
4. 3、she o        (提供)me a cup of tea .
5. 4、thank you for your help .it’s been very v        .
6. 谢谢你的帮助,你的帮助太有用了。
7. 5、wait a        (一会儿),please .
8. 6、the facts          (证明)that the earth and all the other planets move around the sun .123456789
9. 7、we were r         (相当地)tired after our long walk .
10. 8、i didn’t r        (回答) to him .
11. 9、hurry up ,or we’ll m         (赶不上)the train.
12. 10、i have a huge pile of letters to     with .我有一大堆信件要处理。

知识目标to understand the different meanings of the verb “to be”
能力目标to use the verb “to get” when talking about problems
情感目标to recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.
一. 预习导学
1. find phrases of “get” you learnt
2. according to the phrases finish the exercises
get a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep, get excited, get a bus, get married
1. my uncle ______________ last year.
2. did you hear simon __________________ in the exam?
3. you didn’t ______________,did you?
4. the audience _____________ when they saw hello kitty.
5. my father _____________ to work every day.
6. shall we ________________ from an adviser?
know the different meanings of ‘get’
give some examples of ‘get’
get up  get angry  get on  get a cold
get to  get home   get sth for sb
achieve, 获得 advice 意见 ;balance 平衡 ;colourful 有趣的,生动活泼的
give up 放弃 ; hand in 交,提交 ;hobby 爱好、嗜好 ;on time 准时

solve 解决(难题) ;strict 严厉的 ,严格的 valuable 很有用的,很有价值的

1..my          is playing computer games .
2.teacher is very          with his students .
3.you must arrive at the railway station           or you will miss the train .
4.we overcame(战胜) the difficulties thanks to her          help .
5.to have a healthy lifestyle(生活方式), you need to maintain(继续) a         between work and play .
6.she gave a            description of the event .
7.he decided to             his job in order too further his studies .123456789
8.the teacher asked his students to          their answer sheets(张) at the end of the exam .
9.you can          your goals by working hard .
10.i need your           about how to solve the problem .
11.i felt so ________ (sleep) that i fell ________ (sleep) before the movie ______ (end).
12.the little boy was far too tired to go any ___________ (far.)

grammer (a, b)
知识目标1.to use “wh-” words + “to” infinitives to talk about problems.
2.to learn about sentences types
3.to study five kinds of sentences structures
能力目标grasp the structures of “wh +to do sth.”, five kinds of sentences
情感目标talk about problems with “wh +to do sth.”
1. preview the new words and phrases of this period
2. pre-learn period 5: grammar ( a b)
1. he doesn’t know _____ to get there. i think he can take a bus.
2. he doesn’t know _____to buy a good camera. i think he can get one in suning.
3. she doesn’t know _____to hand in the homework. i think she may do it tomorrow.
4. he doesn’t know______ to ask for help. i think he may do it tomorrow.
5. he doesn’t know _______ to buy so much food. i told him there is nothing in the fridge.
1.to- infinitives can be used as different parts of a sentence.
object complement 
adverbial to express purpose 
 to express result 
2.some extra expressions
一些动词之后省略to例如 make, let , have., see, hear, notice等等
1. he doesn’t know _____ to get there. i think he can take a bus.
2. he doesn’t know _____to buy a good camera. i think he can get one in suning.
3. she doesn’t know _____to hand in the homework. i think she may do it tomorrow.
4. he doesn’t know______ to ask for help. i think he may do it tomorrow.
5. he doesn’t know _______ to buy so much food. i told him there is nothing in the fridge.
1.we all know _____(hand) in exercises on time is necessary.
2.could you please _______(not forget)____(close) the door before you leave?
3.i don’t know who _____(talk) outside now.
4. i don’t know who _____(talk) to for help.
5.can you work out how much time you need _____(finish) it ?
6.i wonder where _____(buy) such nice clothes.
7.she can’t decide whether _____(go) abroad or not.
8.he seems ______(keep)worries to himself.
1. 我不知道如何解决这个问题.123456789
i _____________________________.
2. 汤姆不知道该和谁玩.
3. 我忘了下一步该做什么.
i forgot ___________________________.
4. 我们还没决定在哪儿见面.
we haven’t ________________________.
5. 请告诉我何时开班会.
please tell me ____________________________.

grammar ii
知识目标1. 1.to study five kinds of sentences structures
2. to learn to use object complements
能力目标to develop the abilities of reading and writing
情感目标to be a happy , lively teenagers after learning this lesson
一. 预习导学
1. preview the new words and phrases
2. revise different parts of a sentence
1. i find him kind.  我发现他很和蔼。
及物动词+宾语+宾补   宾补可以是名词(或短语)、形容词(或短语)、介词(或短语)、动词不定式、分词充当。
we think li ping the best student in our class.
they call the girl lucy.
i find him a very smart boy.
i believe tom (to be) honest.
the new coat kept the boy warm.
the news made me happy.
i find her at home instead of at work.
i’d kike you to come and see me.
the teacher wants us to hand in our homework tomorrow morning.
he made the horse run all the time.
i found a man walking into her room.
can you hear someone singing on the next room?
i saw him getting on the bus.
i found him in the shop. = i found that he was in the shop.
i saw him getting on the bus. = i saw that he was getting on the bus.
1.i don’t have enough time on my hobbies.
2.what lovely weather!
3.i often go to see my grandparents.
4.how much i miss you!
5.where can i find a taxi?
6.must i finish the work today?
7.you’ll come here, won’t you ?
9.who will teach us english , mr li or mr wang?
10.let’s go and play football.
positive statement: ___________      question with “or”___________
negative statement: ___________      tag question______________
yes/no question_______________     imperatives:____________
wh-question:________________      exclamations:____________

integrated skills
知识目标1.to extract information from a student profile
2.to write notes about a student profile
3.to extract information from a conversation
4.to write a record of a visit
能力目标to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
情感目标be a happy , lively teenagers after learning this lesson123456789
一. 预习导学
1. to get as much information about teenage problems as possible
2. read the new words and find important sentences and phrases
3. 翻译下列短语
1.爱英语_____________      2.努力学习_______________
3.擅长 __________________  4.讨厌游泳_______________
5嘲笑__________________   6.自豪_____________________
9不再________________     10注意study hard
1. though he came to nanjng __________, he never felt __________. (alone; lonely).
2. you look sad today. what _______________(happen) to you?
3. i don’t know if he ______________(go) with us. if he ______________(go), i ______________(let) you know as soon as possible.
4. i am not sure when the manager _______________(return). when he ___________ (come) back, i______________(ask) him to call you right away.
5. when i entered the school, the students _______________(have) an assembly.
6. ___________(luck), he found his lost bike two months later.
7. wearing red can help people make _____________(decide).
8. he thinks his father a great man and is ______________(pride) of him.
9. they stayed at home instead of _____________(go) hiking.
10. every one can help charity by _____________(do) voluntary work
problems of western villages
in some countries in western europe,such as france,spain and britain,the countryside is c__________(1).
life has become difficult for many villages,and some are disappearing.there are a number of r__________(2) for this.firstly,young people from villages usually want to live s____________(3) livelier and they often move to the towns and do not return.secondly,people move to the cities to f___________(4) work,as there are often very f___________(5) jobs in the countryside.sometimes villages remain because people from the cities have bought a “second home”in the villages,where they come and s_________(6) at weekends.the price of homes g_________(7) up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there. a___________(8) problem is that it is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to m__________(9) money from their farms,so they sell their land and find another job.
all these things mean that many villages in western europe are fighting to s___________(10).we can only hope that they will remain.the countryside would be a sadder and uglier place without them.



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