unit3teenage problems|Unit3Teenageproblems教案

九年级英语教案 2016-04-15 网络整理 晴天


unit 3 teenage problems教案
1.整天all day                    2、感到孤独feel lonely
3、与某人争吵quarrel with sb          4、做足够的锻炼do enough exercise
5、有亲密的朋友have close friends       6、开着、进行着be on
7、变胖get fat               8、在….有问题have problems with…….
9、在…..方面差be weak in     10、在某方面给某人建议give sb advice on sth
11、处理deal with                12、收到某人的来信hear from
13、制作清单make a list of          14.停下来做另一件事stop to do sth
15.放弃做某事give up doing sth     16、得低分 get low marks  
18、保持安静keep quiet     19、使我不高兴make me unhappy           
21、对。。。。感觉不好feel bad about        22算出、解出work out         
23获得平衡achieve a balance       24、对…….很着迷be crazy about         
25、一则建议a piece of advice
26、向某人提供某物 offer sb sth / offer sth. to sb 
 主动愿意做某事offer to do sth.
27、同意某人(的意见) agree with sb
28、乘公交车去……take a bus to …     29、对某人严格be strict with sb       
30、感到有压力的feel stressed               31、不时、有时from time to time
32、某人在某事上花费(时间或金钱) spend  时间或金钱…on sth
33、成功地做某事succeed in doing sth   34、得到某人的支持have sb’s support
35、希望某人做某事wish sb to do sth      希望做某事wish to do sth
37、生气、发怒get angry        38、到达某地 get to sp   arrive in/at sp
39、得到某人的帮助get help from sb     40、青少年辅导员 youth workers
41、一会儿for a while       42、在………(方面)表现出色do well in   
43. 尖子生a top student            44、嘲笑某人/某物laugh at sb/sth    12345
45、为……..而感到自豪be proud of      46、不关注.pay no a ttention to
47、遭受….之苦suffer from sth      48、不再not…….any more
49.  回答reply to …           50. .感谢某人做某事thank sb for doing sth
51.  向某人征询意见ask sb for advice     先某人求助ask sb for help               
52. 让某人做某事let sb do sth           使某人做某事make sb do sth
53. 提前计划plan ahead              54.  对某人大喊shout at sb
55. 责备你的父母blame your parents
56. 为某事/某人而担忧be worried about sth/sb
57.把那只猫命名为眯眯name the cat mimi            58. 实际上in fact
59.  产生压力的原因the cause of stress     60. 变得更糟糕get worse
61.你为什么不做某事呢?why don’t you do sth?
62.选择做某事choose to do sth  
  如:it’s a sunny day.      mr wu isn’t at home today.
  如:are the children playing games ?   where is the nearest police station?
   don’t put the glass here.     please put it over there
d:感叹句:用于表达一种强烈的感情。   what a lovely kite!
(a)主语+谓语(s+v)→ millie smiles.
(b)主语+谓语+宾语(s+v+do)→ i eat a banana.
(c)主语+系动词+表语(s+v+p)→ she looks happy.
(d)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(s+v+do+oc)→ i find her smart.
→ millie passed me the salt.
如:(a)i believe him honest. =i believe that he is honest.
(b)we think him the best student in our class.= we think that he _____ the best student in our class.
(c)we found her much younger than we expected.
    = we found that she ________________ much younger than we expected.
特殊疑问词who、what、which 、how、when、where可以与不定式连用构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等句子成份。
如:what to do next is not decided yet.(作主语)
i can’t decide which one to buy.(作宾语)12345
the difficulty is how to finish my homework in one hour.
1.yao ming is one of ________________________ (value) basketball players .
2.he preferred __________ (swim) to _________ (skate)
3.this naughty boy often makes me ________(laugh)
4. you may go to play football as soon as your homework ____________(finish).
5. _______good time we had last sunday!
a. what    b. what a   c. how   d. how a
6. he can’t decide_______.  a. to buy which one b. which one to buy
c. which one will buy     d. which one buy
初三英语组复习资料(9a  unit3配套练习)
一  根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词[来源:zxxk.com]
1. who are they ______________(吵嘴) with over there?
2.y ou can’t get to the top without your friends’  s__________.
3. people in south china are_____________(受苦)from the flood.
4. we get ready and finish the work_____________(提前) of time.
5. can you o____________ ( give, provide)me some suggestions?
二 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. hobbies make our lives more __ __________(colour) and meaningful .
2. i _________ (hard) know her .
3. she offered __________________ (lend) me her bike. 
4. why not ____________ ( play ) basketball instead of __________ (swim)
5. i am very busy , i usually can’t find enough time __________(play)  basketball with my friends .
6. i am advised _______________(bring) an umbrella with me . it will rain
7. “could you tell me when the meeting _____________________ (begin) ?”  ---next week .
8.  we are new here . we can’t find somewhere ______________ (relax)
9.  i’m sorry _______________ (hear) your friend is ill .
10.  as soon as he saw  me , he stopped ____________ (have) a talk with me .
11. sue seems much ______________. (happy)
.三 单项选择
(    ) 1. the colors of his trousers are different from _____ of yours.
        a. one         b. ones             c. that         d. those
(    ) 2. when to start ____________ also a big pr oblem .  a. be   b. is    c. am     d. are
(    ) 3. . i don’t know _____________ with this problem .  it’s too hard .
a. which to do        b. when to do        c. what to do       d. how to do12345
(    ) 4. you look _____ . what do you _____ ?
        a. worry, worry about              b. worry; worried about
        c. worried; worry about            d. worried; worried about
(    ) 5. we must _______ourselves and ______our work.
    a. strict in ; with    b. be strict in; with
c. be strict with; in    d. strict with; in
(    ) 6. she feels unhappy, _____  ?  a. doesn’t she    b. does she    c. isn’t she     d. is she
(    ) 7. bob doesn’t know _____ to write about.
a. how          b. that           c. what           d. where
(    ) 8. he always makes his class _____ .
      a. lively and interested       b. lively a nd interesting
      c. alive and interested        d. alive and interesting
(    ) 9. if you don’t go to the cinema tonight, _____ .
      a. so will i    b. neither do i     c. nor shall i   d. so i will
(    )10. will you please ________ so much noise?
a. not make  b. don’t make  c. not to make     d. don’t to make
(    )11. mrs jenny gave us______ on how to learn english well.
a. some advices          b .some suggestion 
c. a piece of advice    d. a piece of suggestion
(    )12. ---a latest newspaper !   ---only one copy left .would you like to have ___, ?
a. it      b. one      c. this      d. that
(    )13. we all agree ______what you said .  a. on    b. with  c. to   d. about
(    )14. the workers were made _____ the whole day.
        a. work        b. to work     c. worked       d. working12345
(    ) 15. “this made me feel angry.” is a kind of _____ structure.(结构)
a. s + v + o     b. s + v + do     c. s + v + io + do   d. s + v + do + oc
(    )16. can you please spend _____ ex plaining it _____ us?
      a. sometimes; to   b. some time; to  c. some times ; for  d. sometime; for
(    )17. _____ may not seem very _____.
a. watch tv; useful                 b. watch tv; usefully
c. watching tv; usefully             d. watching tv; useful
(    )18. we must be strict  _____ ourselves and strict _____ our work.
a. in; with      b. with; in      c. in; in       d. with; with
四 句 子改写
1. sandy has long hair .(改为感叹句)    ____________________________________
2.you dislike this book ,  _______________________ ? (反意疑问句)
3. you mustn’t play with fire . (祈使句)   ____________________________________
4. how can we get to the plane ?    i don’t know . (合并为一句)
i don’t know  _____________  ____________  ___________ get to the plane .
5. sandy want to know where she can ask for advice .  (改为简单句)
 sandy want to know ________________________________________
1. 运动能帮助我们放松,让我们的生活丰富多彩。
sports can help us _____________ and make our lives ______________.
2. 真不理解他们为何如此严格
i really don’t understand why _________  __________ so __________.
3. 能给我提点建议吗?can you _________ me some ____________ ?
4. 路上交通总是很拥挤 there is always _____ _________________on the road.
5. 许多学生不能决定何时工作何时玩
many students can’t decide__________________ and ____________________.
6. 我也告诉她别去理睬那些嘲笑她们的人
i also told her to __________________ to the students who ____________ her.
7有几种解决压力的办法the re are some ways to _________________________.



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