
高三英语教案 2014-10-04 网络整理 晴天


XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit9 saving the earth
a. 单词
 1.生态;生态学         (n.) _________________
 2.问题;争议;发行        (n.) _________________
 3.内容;目录;能量        (n.) _________________
 4.代表;典型;议员         (n.) _________________
 5.公共卫生;环境卫生;卫生设备      (n.) _________________
 6.贫穷           (n.) _________________
 7.暴力;侵犯;猛烈         (n.) _________________
 8.总理;首相          (n.) _________________
 9.相等;平等          (n.) _________________
 10.合作;配合          (n.) _________________
 11.公平;公正          (n.) _________________
 12.甘愿;心甘情愿         (n.) _________________
 13.可供选择的办法        (n.) _________________
 14.兴旺;繁荣          (v.) _________________
 15.不真实的;不正确的;不妥当的      (adj.) _________________
 16.农村的          (adj.) _________________
 17.能持续的;能维持的        (adj.) _________________
 18.弄脏;污染;毒害         (v.) _________________
 19.着重;强调          (v.) _________________
 20.为……辩护;防护        (v.) _________________
 21.影响;感到;(疾病)侵袭       (v.) _________________
 答案:1.ecology 2.issue 3.content 4.representative 5.sanitation  6.poverty7.violence 8.premier 9.equality 10.cooperation 11.fairness  12.willingness 13.alternative 14.prosper 15.incorrect 16.rural  17.sustainable 18.contaminate 19.stress 20.defend 21.affect12345
b. 短语
 22.与……协调 _______ ________ ________
 23.空调 _______ _________
 24.采取行动 ______ _______ /______ / ________ to do sth.
 25.出席国际会议 _______ the ______ _______
 26.受到污染的饮用水 _______ ______water
 27.在农村/都市地区 ______ ______ / _______ _______
 28.可持续发展 ______ _______
 29.胜败关头 ______ _______
 30.克服水危机 ________ the water ________
 31.结束,制止  ________ _______ _______ ________
 答案:22.in harmony with 23.air conditioner 24.take action/steps/measures  25.attend,international conference 26.contaminated drinking 27.in rural/urban areas  28.sustainable development29.at stake 30.overcome,crisis 31.put an end to
c. 句型
 32. in the opinion of the whites, marrying a rich man is very important.
 =miss white believes, ______ ______ her family, marrying a rich man is very important.
 33. you want to borrow money from him? impossible!
 = ________________that he lends you any money.
 34. tom is coming.
 = ______ _______ tom.
 答案:32.as do 33.there is no chance 34.there comes
d. 语法
 only when you realize its importance,______ _______ _______ it.
 hardly______ i _______there _______ i heard the bad news.
     ______ _______ ________ ________an injured boy.
 答案:35.can you understand 36.had;arrived; when 37.on the ground lay
 要点1 content
 【例题】as he had to drive home after the party, he_______ himself with two glass of beer.
 a. contented    b. satisfied    c. content    d. satisfy
 解析:使满意,使满足content oneself with; be satisfied with是“对……感到满足”。
 (1)n. 内容、要旨;目录;容量、含量;满足
 it is advisable to look at the contents of a book, before buying it.
 people of our country live in peace and content.
 (2)adj. 满意的,满足的,甘愿的:be content with/be content to do
 she is content with very little.
 the old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night.
 (3)v. 使满意,使满足content oneself with
 nothing contents her; she is always complaining.12345
 john contented himself with one glass of wine.
 we should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only.
 要点2 alternative
 【例题】weve tried this method, which doesnt work. is there an/a _______?
 a. choice      b. chance
 c. alternative     d. way
  (1)adj. 作定语,表“另一可用的,其他的”
 the way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road. 
 (2)n. “可能性中的选择,其他的选择”,可数名词
 check out the alternatives before deciding whether to go to a nearby college.
 (3)have no alternative/there is no alternative but to do除……外别无选择;只有;只好
 there was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.
 要点1 wipe out
 【例题】nobody can ______ the history.
 a. wipe out    b. wipe off
 c. wipe up    d. wipe down
 解析:wipe out清除;除去。
 its your turn to wipe out the bath.
 much of the poverty can be wiped out.
 the red army wiped out a whole army of the enemy.
 要点2 defend sb. /sth.(from/against sb. /sth.)
 【例题】it is said that the murderer has employed a famous lawyer to ______ him.
 a. protect     b. protect for
 c. defend     d. defend for
 解析:defend sb. “为某人辩护”,是及物动词。
 she had to defend herself against the guard dog.
 defend the motherland 保卫祖国
 the accused man had a lawyer to defend him.
 (3) defence/defense (against sth.) n.
 (4) defenseless adj. 无防御能力的;defensive 防御的;防卫的
 aids makes people defenseless against infections and illnesses.
 要点3 advise sb. (not) to do sth.12345
 【例题】he was______ to give up smoking, but he refused. 
 a. advised     b. persuaded
 c. suggested     d. had
 解析:advise + sb.  to do sth.“建议某人做某事”;persuade sb. to do“说服了某人做某事”;suggest sb. do“建议某人做某事”。
  (1)advise +n./pron.
 i advised an early start.
 she needed someone to advise her.
 (2)advise + doing
 i advise opening the door as soon as possible.
 (3)advise + sb. (not) to do sth.
 mary advised tom to take advantage of the opportunity.
 (4)advise that sb. (should) do
 we advised that the matter should be under consideration.
 要点1 there is...chance that...很有可能
 【例题】_______ is a good chance______ youll find certain medical opinions on health in this magazine.
 a. it; which     b. there; that
 c. there; which    d. it; that
 解析:there is...chance that...固定搭配,意思是“……很有可能”。
 chances are good that you will win.
 is there any chance of rain?
 there is no chance of winning.
 there is only a slim chance that mary will pass the exam.
 by any chance或许,可能
 by chance偶然地;意外地
 take chances冒险
 i chanced to see our old headmaster in the street the other day.
 you shouldnt chance all your money at once.
 要点2 as + be/do+主语……也是这样
 【例题】he believed, ______ his family, that you were telling the truth.
 a. so as  b. so did   c. as were  d. as did
 解析:as + be/do+主语,相当于and so too,意思是“……也一样”。
  (1)as + be/do+主语,相当于and so too,“……也一样”。
 he is a patriot, as are his brothers.
 he believed, as did his family, that you were telling the truth.12345
 young as i am, i already know what career i want to follow.
 child as he is, he knows much about science.


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