
高三英语教案 2014-10-02 网络整理 晴天


XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit10 frightening nature
a. 单词
 1.引起恐惧的;可怕的        (adj.)_________________
 2.新的;刚经历的;新鲜的       (adj.) _________________
 3.不可信的          (adj.) _________________
 4.不舒服的          (adj.) _________________
 5.飓风           (n.) _________________
 6.到达;抵达          (n.) _________________
 7.枕头           (n.) _________________
 8.破裂(声);崩溃         (n.) _________________
 9.(仪器上的)读数;阅读;读物       (n.) _________________
 10.使恐惧;恐吓         (v.) _________________
 11.埋葬;掩埋          (v.) _________________
 12.发誓;起誓          (v.) _________________
 13.立刻;马上;直接地        (adv.) _________________
 答案:1.frightening 2.fresh 3.unbelievable 4.uncomfortable 5.hurricane 6.arrival  7.pillow 8.crash 9.reading10.terrify 11.bury 12.swear 13.immediately
b. 短语
 14.使(某人)镇静_______ (sb. )________
 15.上船(火车、汽车、飞机等)_______ ________
 16.突然地;冷不防;意外 ______ _______ a _______ / _______ at_______
 17.同时 ______ the _______
 18.接连几个小时 ______ hours _______ _______
 19.完蛋了;不行了 _______ _______ _______
 20.另一个方向;相反 _______ _______ _______
 21.被吓得要死 _______ _______ ________ _______
 22.挑选 _______ _______
 23.出路,克服困难的办法 ______ _______
 答案:14.calm down 15.on board 16.all of, sudden/all, once 17.in,meanwhile 18.for,on  end 19.be done for 20.the other way 21.be scared to death 22.pick out 23.way  out
c. 句型
 24. to promise is easy, while to keep a promise is not so easy.
 →to promise is_________ , to keep a promise is______ .
 25. another mistake, ________ you will have to rewrite it.
 答案:24.one thing; another 25.and
d. 语法
 26.—do you work in the lab every afternoon?1234
 —no, but i wish i______________ .(我希望有时间去。)
 27. my parents wanted me to be a doctor. but i_________________ .(没能做成)
 28.—shall i stay at home or go with you?
 —____________________. (随你喜欢)
 29.—did you attend the lecture by the famous professor?
 —i wish i________ , but i was in new york at that time.(我希望有出席)
 答案:26.had time to 27.failed to be 28.as you like 29.had
 要点1 urge
 【例题】she______ he write a letter explaining why he didn’t turn up at her birthday party.
 a. hoped           b. urged
 c. expected      d. supposed
 v. 敦促,力劝,强烈的要求
 urge sb. to do sth.
 urge that sb. (should) do sth.
 we urged her to reconsider the offer, but she refused. 
 when my old friend brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than i could bear.
 i urged that she should apologize to me at once.
 要点2 calm
 【例题】stay______ ,and you will handle the situation successfully.
 a. still    b. comfort
 c. quiet    d. calm
 the calm surface of the lake平静的湖面
 the president was calm throughout the global crisis.
 he was calm when i told him the bad news.
 keep calm! 安静!保持镇静!
 (3)v. 平静,安静
 calm down 使平息,使平静
 the crying child soon calmed down.
 it was difficult to calm down the football fans.
 a warm bath will calm you.
 after the storm, the air calmed. 
 重点短语
 要点1 at hand
 【例题】he used to have a dictionary close______ when he read newspapers or magazines.
 a. by hand    b. with hand
 c. at hand    d. in hand1234
 解析:句意为“以前当他读报纸杂志的时候,手边常备一本字典”。at hand“在手边”;by hand“用手制作的”;in hand“在手中;在控制下”。
  (1)(close/near) at hand 在手边,在附近,就要到来
 the great day is at hand. 
 is there any shop at hand?
 he lives close at hand. 
 (2)in hand在手中,在控制下
 the americans had thought they could have the situation well in hand. 
 (3)by hand手工制作的
 her sweater is knitted by hand. 
 (4)hand down传给后代(=hand on, pass down)
 this pair of bracelets were handed down from my greatgrandmother.
 (5)on the other hand另一方面
 i want to go to the party, but on the other hand i ought to be studying.
 要点2 knock about
 【例题】 after graduation from the college, joe ______for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father’s business.
 a. knocked about
 b. knocked over
 c. knocked down
 d. knocked off
 解析:句意为“乔大学毕业后,在国内无所事事一年才去他爸爸的公司上班”。knock about“漫游;流浪;放松,无所事事”。
 know about=knock around
 he spent a few years knocking about (in) europe.
 we spent the weekend just knocking around the house.
 that’s been knocking about the house for years.
 she gets knocked about by her husband. 
 the car has been knocked about a bit, but it still goes.
 要点1 one thing...another (thing) ...句型
 【例题】it is one thing that i haven’t much money, _______ i have money to donate.
 a. it is another that
 b. it is the other
 c. it is for another thing that
 d. it is for the other
 解析:it is one thing..., it is another...……是一回事,……是另一回事。
 it is one thing to write a letter,(it is) another to write a story.
 to promise is one thing, to keep a promise is another.=it is one thing to promise, it is another to  keep a promise.1234
 要点2 名词短语/祈使句+and+陈述句
 【例题】another opportunity, ______i can defeat him.
 a. thus    b. then
 c. so    d. and
 解析:名词短语+and+陈述句,前面的名词短语或祈使句就相当于if条件句,本题相当于if i am given another opportunity, i can defeat him.
 more practice, and you will make great progress.
 work hard and you will make your mark.


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