unit3on reading课后答案_Unit3OnFriendship

高二英语教案 2014-07-04 网络整理 晴天


unit3  on friendship
一、 单元分析 (unit analysis)
(一) 单元地位 (unit position)
1. 本课以杰妮像一块磁铁受人欢迎,引出几条交友的策略。让学生了解到一个人的长相和才能不足以使她如此受欢迎,那么,什么样的个人品质会使每个人都喜欢她呢?教师可围绕这一问题,设计活动让学生参与口语讨论。除了谈论课文中提到的几条策略以外,让学生进一步思考如何交友和如何保持友谊的秘诀和策略,在自身个性的塑造方面,反思不足。
2. 围绕本课主题“交友”,学生探讨交友中要注意的“dos” 和 “don’ts”. 并在此基础上描述 “friendship” “true friendship” “friends” “a good friend” “the need of friend” “making friends” “how to make friends” “my ideal friend” “on making friends” “on friendship”
3. 本课出现了新的语法现象――由it引导的强调句句型:it is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+句子其余部分。课文中出现的句子有: (1)what was it about jamie that made everyone notice her?  (2)it is learning when to talk that is important. 对于这一语法现象,教师有必要在教学中加以一定的句型操练。
(二) 单元目标 (unit target)
1. 了解友谊的真谛和交友以及维持友谊的方法。
2.  理解由it引导的强调句句型。
3.  学会听取确切的信息并加以复述。
4.  练习基本的阅读技巧,学会记笔记。
5.  学习描写人物个性和表达喜欢或不喜欢。
(三) 单元重点 (unit points)
1.  关键词:
brag about, care about, go along with, be drawn to sb., feel at ease, catch up with, find out, be willing to, zero in on, put the burden on, get a word in edgewise, focus on, add…to…, it takes…to do…, tear…down
1) 谚语
birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。
a man is known by the company he keeps. 观其友,知其人。
make new friends but keep the old. 交些新朋友,但别忘了老朋友。
when friends meet, hearts warm. 朋友相见心头热。
a good friend is my nearest relation. 好朋友是我最亲近的亲戚。
a friend married is a friend lost. 有人结婚,就有人丧友。
friendship is love with understanding. 友谊就是相互理解的爱。
be slow in choosing a friend, slow in changing. 择友要慎,换友亦是。
a man is known by his friends. 观其友,知其人。
a man’s best friend is his ten fingers. 人之挚友为其十指。
choose your friends like your books, few but choice. 交友如择书,少而精。
friends slowly won are long held. 慢慢赢得的朋友才能长久。
being friendly doesn’t cost anything. 友善不花一分钱。
fortune makes friends, misfortune tries them. 患难见真情。

2.  功能:
   1)描写人物个性与品质: 参考课本第47页 useful language
generous, easy-going, ambitious, cheerful, trustworthy, impatient, optimistic, sensitive, moody, sociable, reserved, lazy, attentive, considerate, straightforward, honest, reliable, punctual, quiet…123456
3. 语法点:
   本课出现了新的语法现象――由it引导的强调句句型:it is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+句子其余部分。

二、 教学设计(teaching design)
教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考
1   reading  作为“ 交友”这一主题的引入,教师可利用“找朋友”的游戏方法,让学生把拆开的有关友谊的谚语进行配对,使学生学习掌握更多的谚语。
[链接1] “找朋友”游戏的操作建议。 课本第36页----highlights 部分。
2   listening 作为教材第44页的听力部分,可让学生回忆自己幼年时与玩伴共同度过的时光。在听这段材料的时候有身临其境的亲切感。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语(新世纪版)听力》,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。 课文第27页---- listening practice
3   speaking 以“交友”为主题设计口语活动
[链接2] 头脑风暴活动的操作建议。
活动三:在上述活动的基础上,以“quick finding”的游戏形式让学生探讨交友中要注意的“dos” 和 “don’ts”。
[链接3]quick finding的操作建议。 课文第45页---- speaking practice
第46页---- further practice
4  writing 学习如何记笔记,可以结合课本第37页练习b进行操练。 课文第47页----study skills部分
5  structure it引导的强调句句型是本单元的语法教学内容。可以通过句型操练加强学生对于这一语法现象的理解。
[链接4] 语法教学操作建议 课文第42页----structure部分
6  additional reading 本部分与unit 3 的内容直接相关。建议放在最后一课时,对整个单元内容进行巩固和拓展。
本文出现的重要词汇:as a result (of), base on, set up, in reality, define…as, share, hold true for,  lay a foundation for, a close bond, have a deep affection for…
[链接5] 补充材料 课文第49页----
additional reading
1. 教师把有关友谊的谚语分成若干部分,分别写在小卡片上,将卡片发给各个学生
2. 学生依据所得卡片上的内容寻找朋友,得到完整的句子
3. 将句子写在黑板上,让全班一起学习。123456
birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。
a man is known by the company he keeps. 观其友,知其人。
make new friends but keep the old. 交些新朋友,但别忘了老朋友。
when friends meet, hearts warm. 朋友相见心头热。
a good friend is my nearest relation. 好朋友是我最亲近的亲戚。
a friend married is a friend lost. 有人结婚,就有人丧友。
friendship is love with understanding. 友谊就是相互理解的爱。
be slow in choosing a friend, slow in changing. 择友要慎,换友亦是。
a man is known by his friends. 观其友,知其人。
a man’s best friend is his ten fingers. 人之挚友为其十指。
choose your friends like your books, few but choice. 交友如择书,少而精。
friends slowly won are long held. 慢慢赢得的朋友才能长久。
being friendly doesn’t cost anything. 友善不花一分钱。
fortune makes friends, misfortune tries them. 患难见真情。
         a false friend is worse than an open enemy. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防
         a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交, 才是真朋友。
         a faithful friend is better than gold. 知音胜过金银。
         a friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。
a faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。
1 教师准备空白纸,分发到每一合作小组中。在组员中确定“记录者”;“汇报者”,并明确职责。时间控制在2分钟。
2 在“头脑风暴”过程中,“记录者”记录组内成员能想到的所有相关人物性格个性的形容词。
3 请每组“汇报者”报出所罗列的“职业”总数。以“优胜组”为代表汇报结果。教师可把一些较新,较好的词汇写在黑板上,让全班学生学习。
4 请其余各组补充未提及的“职业”词汇,共同充实词汇库。
5   教师补充一些学生未提及的一些新词汇。
generous, easy-going, ambitious, cheerful, trustworthy, impatient, optimistic, sensitive, moody, sociable, reserved, lazy, attentive, considerate, straightforward, honest, reliable, punctual, quiet,introvert, extrovert, active, adaptable, amiable, candid, confident, careful, creative, cooperative
其余组补充词汇:devoted, aggressive, frank, faithful, energetic, earnest, strict, steady, disciplined
教师补充词汇:alert, amicable, analytical, aspiring, conscientious, enthusiastic, expressive, knowledgeable, smart, selfless123456
    quick finding,“快速寻找”培养锻炼学生的快速判断能力。要求学生在短时间内完成记忆,复述,判断整个过程。强调小组合作,培养了小组协作精神,充分调动学生的积极性。同时因为大量的跑动,活跃课堂气氛,使学生寓学于乐。
1. 以6-8人为一组,每组准备一张纸,写好“dos”和 “don’ts”,并确定一个记录员。
2. 教师将列有交友时的注意事项的纸贴在教室的墙上,为方便学生查看,可多复印几份,分别贴在教室四周墙上。
3. 每组中各个组员轮流去阅读纸上的内容,每次记住一个要点,回到组内告诉其他组员并判断是“dos”还是“don’ts”,然后由记录员记录下来。时间控制在3分钟内。
4. 每组汇报记录的总数。以记录最为详细的一组汇报结果,教师把汇报结果写在黑板上,全班一起学习点评。对于遗漏的部分,教师予以补充。
give freedom.
share control.
show respect.
listen attentively.
be willing to take others’ advice.
give the other a chance to choose his own preferences.
treat others with respect
be initiative.
try to understand why the other person has made a mistake.
help your friend work through the consequences of his mistakes.
bring laughter and joy to your friendship.
encourage someone who is discouraged.
say something positive.
be complimentary.
understand and feel from the other person"s perspective
be possessive.
demand a friend give his full attention to you.
gossip or laugh at others.
be tempted to shout at the others.
pay no attention to the others’ advice.
make complaints very often.
focus on yourself.
overwhelm the person with attention.
be critical.
monopolize the conversation.
例:a: where has john gone?
    b: he has gone to the cinema.
    a: where was it he had gone?
    b. it was the cinema that he had gone.
1. smile at that person. this is very important. a kind smile can make people feel so welcoming.
2. keep exchanging glances once in a while. don"t do this too much or it can be taken the wrong way. what you are doing is warming up both of you.
3. when you feel ready, come up. some foreigners feel uncomfortable because they may not speak great english. don"t laugh. accept their accent and grammatical errors as part of their charm.
4. introduce yourself and chat. people are the same inside, no matter where they come from. give a genuine compliment. everyone likes compliments. you might get one in return!
5. invite your friend to go out for coffee, a study date or a tour of the city. 123456
6. read up on the place and culture of your soon-to-be friend. ask your foreigner questions about their background. everyone wants to talk about the place where they come from.
7. help your friend get accustomed to a new way of life. be supportive.
8. let your friendship blossom. don"t force it. and remember... a little variety never hurt anyone.
9. smile often. let them know that you are friendly and approachable.
10. don"t be (too) finicky. be reasonable. some locals may opt to eat on banana leaves and you wanted to eat on a china plate. don’t treat yourself as a vip when hanging out with them. when you really can"t eat what they call an "exotic" dish, tell them honestly but politely.
11. show them that you are an interesting and amusing person.  let them know your strengths and weaknesses and vice versa. this way you can form an alliance to become friends
12. be fun to be around. you don"t have to be a superstar to be fun. you don"t even have to do cartwheels. you do need to be positive and friendly, however, so that people feel good when they"re around you. from the very first conversation you have with someone, you should use body language to convey that you are affable, non-threatening, and approachable. smile frequently, laugh often, and make eye contact. in your words, be confident, but don"t be cocky, condescending, or mean-spirited.
13. be a good listener. many people think that in order to be seen as "friend material" they have to appear very interesting. far more important than this, however, is the ability to show that you"re interested in others. listen carefully to what people say, remember important details about them (their names, their likes and dislikes), ask questions about their interests, and just take the time to learn more about them. people love to talk about themselves, and the easiest way to be likable is to listen. you don"t want to be the guy or girl that always has a better story than anyone else or that changes the subject abruptly instead of continuing the flow of conversation. these people appear too wrapped up in themselves to be good friends.
14. be trustworthy. one of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to whom you can talk about anything, even secrets that you hide from the rest of the world. the key to being a good confidante is the ability to keep secrets, so it"s no secret that you shouldn"t tell other people things that were told to you in confidence. before people even feel comfortable opening up to you, however, you need to build trust. be honest about yourself and your beliefs, and don"t gossip about others or spread rumors. 123456
15. be true to yourself. a good friend sometimes does things he or she doesn"t want to do, such as helping a friend move or going to see a band that you don"t really like, but you should never feel pressured to do something you think is wrong. stay true to your convictions and beliefs, and if this causes you to lose some friends, you"re better off without them. you"ll also find that your integrity may help you win a lot of other friends, and if you just be yourself you"ll make friends who like you for who you are.



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