
高二英语教案 2014-06-29 网络整理 晴天


module 2 reading 阅读图式建构课堂教学设计。
项目 内     容
教学内容 本课时是主要是阅读,这一部分提供了本单元的主要阅读语篇,篇幅最长,载有本单元话题“我高中的精彩生活”的重要信息,且呈现了本模块的大部分的词汇和主要语法结构,是本单元学习的重点。本课时为阅读理解,所选文章以“我高中的精彩生活”为题,介绍了一位美国学生乔安娜.赛克斯(joanna sykes)的高中生活,以及她在高中时代的所获得的成功,这对中国的学生了解外国学校文化有很大的帮助。
学习目标 从以下学习目标中确定四类、每类至少一项作为自己本课时的学习目标。
 语言知识 ⑴学会用英语常见句型陈述和论据表达自我观点。如: it is +名词、名词短语或形容词(a pity, a good thing;well-known…) +that…  
⑵理解、内化、运用本模块中出现的一些重要单词短语如:settle, elect, suit, rent, competitive, share…with… 等。
 语言技能 调动学生积极性,学习如何表达想法和意见。
 语言运用 能通过图式建构来获取和处理篇章信息,理解语篇意义。
 文化意识 了解其他国家中学生的学习生活情况,进行中美学校文化的对比
 情感态度 ⑴通过学习乔安娜.赛克斯的丰富多彩的课外活动以及高中生活的一些成功的事例的描写,使学生受到鞭策和鼓舞,培养学生的乐观的人生态度,自信心、事业心和社会责任感。
 学习策略 (1)借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;
任务 本课时由选择以下任务的小组完成任务:
学习资源 高中生活及课外活动相关图片、图式建构短文。
预设时间 学习步骤 学习目的 教学方案 学习方案 学习资源
1 导入 明确任务 今天的主题是highlights of my senior year 了解任务 教师话语
2-7 预测 通过学前活动建构图式 呈现几张异国的高中学生的生活图片并通过这些活动引起学生对国外的高中生活的兴趣,并通过三个简单的问题来引入所讲内容。同时能简单的介绍一下自己的高中生活,通过引导学生联系自己日常生活的实际,
1.what is your school life like?
2.do you like your school life?
3.why or why not? 根据老师引导,预测内容,激活图式,建构新图式。 几张异国的高中学生的生活图片及相关问题
分钟 读前 建构图式 引导学生通过文章标题预测文章内容。引导学生通过检测预测是否正确建构图式。 通过检测预测是否正确建构图式。 课文标题
16-20 略读 通过略读查读等建构图式 通过略读查读学生初步掌握文章整体,结合本篇文章,给学生设计了四个问题,来训练学生快速获取信息的能力。1234
1. what is joanna’s first step towards becoming a journalist?
2.what is a peer mediator?
3.are americans competitive?
4. what is the big surprise of the prom evening for joanna?
建构图式 教师话语,学生独立阅读
21-30 精读 建构图式 阅读教材16-17页文章
1.joanna had a lot of successes during her senior year.  what were they?
2. why did joanna enjoy the prom so much? 阅读课文
建构图式 课文

分钟 语言运用 巩固阅读内容,加强阅读理解,平衡语言技能。 让学生掌握一些必要的短语和句型,并设计相关问题,让学生在实践中学会运用(基于语用目的说话的图式
呈现) 将乔安娜.赛克(joanna sykes)的高中生活与学生自己的生活阅历联系起来,从而进行对比、反思、拓展阅读等。 课文内容及相关短语句型
第41-44分钟 讨论 建构图式 小组讨论活动:
1. what do you think of joanna? describe her and say something about your idea..
2. what have you learnt from her?再次建构图式 小组讨论
建构图式 学生讨论;活动成果。

分钟 布置作业 巩固阅读图式建构的能力。将图式建构与完形结合、融通。 布置学生课后再次阅读,完成并理解完形填空篇章中蕴含的图式,讨论阅读图式建构与完形填空之间的关系。 完成并理解完形填空其中包含的图示。 提供完形填空材料。
ask ss to read the text to get a better understanding of the passage and filling the missing words.
highlights of my senior year
(1)   , but my school life is almost over. prom night has come and gone, and i’ve received my high school diploma (2)   . it’s a good thing that the exams are finished. i feel too excited to think clearly! it seems strange to think that (3)          . i’ll be walking out of the school gates forever. the first thing i’m going to do is (4)        !(5)       , i find myself  (6)         my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened. i’ve decided to write them down so that one day,(7)        , when i reread them, the memories will come back.
there’s so much to remember. one of the best things about this year has been working as an arts editor of this newspaper. i’ve so enjoyed it! i love writing, and (8)        is my first step towards becoming a journalist, so this has been a real success for me.1234
something else i’ve greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems(9)         with other students. at the start of the school year, we were training in how to do this, and it’s clear that this kind of work can really help people. i think i’ll continue to work as a mediator when i go to college.
during the easter vacation, i went on a short school skiing trip to the rocky mountains. i’ve been skiing quite a few times, but never with the school, and since two good friends came on the trip, we (10)         each other down the ski slopes. it’s well-known that americans are competitive, and i did enjoy it (11)        !
other things i’m pleased about – getting good grades on my final exams, and receiving the senior prize for english literature. i was given a car by my parents so i’ve been able to drive to school, which is brilliant. and of course, i’ll never forget (12)         the student council. i really enjoyed meeting the teachers and telling them how we, ss, feel about things, and what we think should happen in the school!
all these things have been wonderful. but i have to say, the highlight of the year was the senior prom. for an american girl, it’s so important that you have a good time at the prom. well, i did! daniel, a boy in my english class, asked me to go to the prom with him, and i was so pleased – i’d been hoping he would ask me. i found a dress that suited me perfectly, and   (13)         on the day of the prom. it took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me i looked very elegant! a group of us rented a nice car to take us to the prom. the food was delicious and i ate so much that i had to stop dancing for a while! we  (14)        , and laughed and told jokes all evening. it’s a great pity that it’s probably the last time this will happen.
daniel and i danced most of the dances together. but the big surprise of the evening was (15)             ! this was so unexpected, and i can’t tell you how good this made me feel! after the prom, a group of us drove down to the coast, and sat on the beach in our long dresses and dinner jackets. i shall never forget watching the sunrise over the sea – it was unforgettable! afterwards, we went and had an enormous breakfast in a nearby hotel – it was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.1234
suggested answers:
(1) i can hardly believe it                  (2) at last                                    (3) in a few days’ time             
(4) to take a long vacation                 (5) meanwhile                             (6) looking back at           
(7) years from now                              (8) working on this paper         (9) that they have           
(10) had great fun racing                             (11) whenever i won our races
(12) being elected to                         (13) had my hair specially done      



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