
高二英语教案 2014-06-25 网络整理 晴天


英语:unit2《the united kingdom》教案(6)(新人教版必修5)

 period two & three

全模块要求topic  countries of the united kingdom; united jack; famous sites in londonvocabulary consist clarify accomplish conflict union credit currency convenience rough attract architecture collection administration countryside furnished possibility arrange wedding fold sightseeing delight royal uniform splendid statue communism thrill error consistentfunction1.     language difficulty in communication excuse me. i’m afraid i can’t follow you. can you speak more slowly, please? what did you mean by …? 2.     space: position, direction, distance wales was linked to…          england and wales were joined to/connected… england is divided into three zones.    the zone nearest… is called…grammar the past participle as the object complement  you find most of the population settled in the south…  … he had them killed while they were asleep.language pointswarming up consist of 由…组成,由….构成(不用进行时) the team consists of one hundred men and women athletes. =the team is made up of one hundred men and women athletes. there is a big family, consisting of ten people. consist in 在于,决定于 (不用被动态)= be based on/ depend on/ upon what does happiness consist in? 什么才算是幸福? the beauty of the town consists in the style of its ancient buildings. pre-reading  divide  “把…..分成;分开”指将一个整体分成若干部分,常与介词 between ,among, by ,into 等搭配  he divided the cake into three= the cake was divided into three.  divide this line into 20 equal parts.     divide this line in half.  we’ll have to divide the work between (among) us.  6 divided by 3 is 2. separate 多指把原来连在一起或者是靠近的人或事物分离开,常与介词 from, by 搭配  the channel separates england from france.  the two towns are separated by the river.  she doesn’t want to be separated from this man.  i have got separated from him for a couple of years. 分开,分居 reading 1.     puzzle  n something that is difficult to understand or explain 难题,迷/ 益智玩具(游戏) programming is really a puzzle to me. 我搞不懂编程。 i am in a puzzle about his way of dealing with the matter. 对…..大惑不解 a cross-word puzzle 填字游戏 vt   to confuse someone 使某人迷惑 what puzzled me a lot is how he broke into the room without being noticed.      vi  * be puzzled about/over 为…..冥思苦想 i’ve been sitting here puzzling about/over what to do.  2.clarify  vt/vi to make something clearer and easier to understand 澄清,阐明,讲清楚 i hope that what i said will clarify this situation. 澄清情况 he clarify his position on the welfare reform. 阐明在福利改革上的立场 his mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了。  3.find +宾语+ 宾补 he woke up and found himself in hospital. (介词短语) did you find them in? (副词) i’m sure we’ll find her hard at work when we get home. (形容词) i find the light burning, so i guess that he is still studying. (现在分词) the girl found the house broken into.(过去分词) they found themselves trapped by the bush fire. i find her a difficult woman to deal with. (名词)   * contain 包括侧重于“内有”; include “侧重于包含者只是整体中的一部分”。    this room contains 20 persons, including 5 children./ 5 children included.1234  4.accomplish v to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard; achieve  完成任务,取得成功, 实现目标 we have accomplished all we set out to do. 所有的计划要做的事,我们都已完成。 he knew he had accomplished something after all. the best method to accomplish this goal is to unite as many people as possible. *accomplished  adj. 有修养的, 有造诣的, 有才华的 an accomplished painter/ singer/ author *accomplishment  n  完成,实现 un  the accomplishment of this task depends upon the effort of the whole class.  the accomplishment of peace   成就,才能 = achievement  cn  lanny was delighted to have his musical accomplishments admired.  playing piano is one her many accomplishments.   5.  conflict  a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups ,countries 抵触,冲突,矛盾    this statement conflicts with the one they made last month.    the conflict between traditional view and modern one    a conflict between the demands of one’s study and one’s entertainment 学习需要与娱乐之间的矛盾    *come into conflict 发生争执    this stubborn boy often comes into conflict with his classmates over some problems    * armed conflict 武装冲突  conflict of interests 利益冲突      6.  break away (from) “挣脱;逃离”    several states broke away from the union and became independent. 几个州脱离了联邦成为独立的国家。    the dog broke away from its owner.   那条狗挣脱主人的控制。    he has broken away from the bad habit of smoking. 克服了抽烟的习惯 有关的短语:break out (战争,疾病,火灾等)爆发,没有被动态 the second world war broke out in september 1939. a fire broke out in this hotel last night. the sars broke out in early spring and spread all over the hong kong. break down ( 车辆,机器)损坏;(计划)失败;(身体)崩溃;分解 the car broke down on the way. his plan broke down at last. the scientist broke down for lack of rest and had to go to the hospital. water is easily broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. break in 闯入;打断 the thief broke in and stole the tv set. don’t break in when we are talking. break up (使) 解散;结束,放假;绝交 the police broke up the fighting crowd by violence. the students will break up for the christmas vacation next week. mary has just broken up with her boyfriend.   7.credit n  trust/belief 信任,相信            we gave credit to his made-up story. praise that you give to someone for something they have done 称赞 * to one’s credit 值得赞扬,为 …..争光 it is greatly to your credit that you have carried on your career in spite of all the difficulties.             your children are really a credit to the team.= your children really do the team credit.为队争光 she deserved credits for the success of the party. there was little credit given to those who had worked the hardest.那些工作最努力的人几乎没有收到什么表扬。 you could at least give him some credit for his contribution. a successfully completed part of a course at a university 学分 he earned enough credits for his degree. she took courses for the credits required. an arrangement with a shop, bank that makes it possible for you to buy something and pay for it later 赊购,信贷 no credit is allowed at this restaurant. 本饭店概不赊账。 this shop gives 6 months’ interest-free credit. 无息赊款购物 the bank refused further credits to the company. 1234

  8.relation  c/u.n a connection between two or more things 联系

there is a close relation between a proper diet and good health.

the relation between cause and effect  因果关系

* have ( no) relation to…. 与…..有(无)关系; (不)符合

 your answer has no relation to the question.

 our success has slight relation to our fortune. 我们的成功与我们的运气有点关系。

        cn pl. official connection between companies, countries etc. (公司、国家间) 的正式关系

our company is improving business relations with his.

the theme of this conference focuses on the relations between two superpowers.

       cn  a member of your family  亲戚

 close/ distant/near relation  远/近亲

* in relation to…  与 …相比

women’s salaries are still pretty low in relation to men’s. 9.           convenience  un. the quality of being suitable for a particular purpose, especially because it is easy to use or save your time  方便 * for convenience 为了方便  i keep my reference book near my desk for convenience.  the shops are open late on friday for the convenience of the customers. * at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候  meeting will be arranged at your convenience.  i’ll call at your house at your convenience. * at your earliest convenience 在你方便时,尽早….(常用于书信中)  i will be grateful if you reply to me at your earliest convenience. cn. something that is useful because it saves you time or means that you have less work to do 便利设备,东西 a washing machine is one of the many modern conveniences public convenience 公共厕所 * convenient adj. 方便的; 附近的  convenient time/moment  will 3:00 be convenient for you? 三点钟合适吗?  it is convenient for you to take the shuttle there.  a flat convenient to the bus route 一所靠近公车线路的公寓  our house is very convenient for schools and stores. 10.      nationwide  adj/adv 全国各地的, 全国性的 a nationwide broadcast network        a nationwide search for the missing treasure       we have 350 chain stores nationwide. 11.collection  cn.  a stamp collection 一批邮票藏品   she made a collection of rare coins. 她收集罕见的钱币。 collection box 捐款箱     a collection of jay’s songs/ libai’s poetry 歌曲、诗歌集 spring / autumn collection 春、秋服装展    un. 收集、取   rubbish collection is made every tuesday morning. 每周二上午收一次垃圾。 12. influence  v to have an effect on the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc without directly forcing or commanding them 指通过说理等“无形的力量”对人的思想、情感和行为进行“潜移默化”的影响。   she is easily influenced by her friend.   the tv advertisements have influenced my attitude toward these goods.   * influence sb to do sth   my father influenced me to choose teaching as my career. 我的父亲的影响使我选择了教书为业。   what influenced you to make a decision?       n 影响力; cn 有影响力的人、物   * have an influence on 对…..有影响   this book is likely to have a deep influence on his life.   he is an influence in business circle. 他在商界是个有影响力的人   her mother said i was a bad influence on her. 我对于她产生了很坏的影响。 区别:affect 表示“影响”时,和influence 意义相近,有时可互换。但affect 通常指受到“有形力量”造成的物质和生理上的影响,且没有affect sb to do 的形式。此外,affect 还可以表示“感动”。 rain affects the grass.    smoking can affect your health.  all the audiences were affected to tears.    effect  v. 实现(achieve)导致(bring about)  1234n 影响,效果 have an / a good/ a serious effect (up)on  have little/ no effect (up)on  the effect of sth (up)on…   i will effect my purpose: no one shall stop me.   the recent events effected a change in my opinion. 最近的事态导致了我看法上的改变。the major you choose now will have a great effect on your future development. 13. invader n. 入侵者    invade vt. 侵入;挤满,塞满   doubts invade my mind. 我满腹狐疑。   disease invades the body. 疾病侵袭身体。 14. keep one’s eyes open 留心看,注意=watch out   the hunter kept his eyes open for rabbits.   make your trip worthwhile (作补语)   saving so little money isn’t worthwhile. (作表语)   i consider teaching a worthwhile career. (作定语)   the project is worth trying= to try this project is worthwhile= it is worthwhile to try this project/ trying this project.= this project is worthy of being tried/ to be tried.15. leave out  省去、遗漏、不考虑   you’ve made a mistake-you’ve left out the letter t the picnic planner left out that it might rain.  没想到下雨的可能。 * leave behind 忘记带走,遗留下( a bag in a bus/ a chain of problem)  leave me alone 让我独处  leave go of 放开(my hand) leave aside 搁置 (the matter for a moment)   learning about language16. furnish  to put furniture and other things into a house or room. 为(房间) 配备家具    a room furnished with a desk and sofa.            to supply or provide something 提供 we are asked to furnish technology support for this software development. 17. plus  prep 加  6 plus 4 equals 10.         adj  多的,零上的   she earns rmb 50000 a year plus. all the children are 6 plus.       12 celsius plus 18.alike adj very similar 相似的 two office buildings are alike in many ways. the twins are so alike that i can’t tell which is which.     adv 同样地 they were all dressed alike in blue sweaters and sneakers. 19. take the place of 代替、取代    no one could take the place of her mother.    electric trains have now taken the place of /replaced steam trains.   联想:take place 发生 great changes have taken place in my hometown.         take one’s place 入座,站好位置 shall we take our places at the table?    take your place and we are about to leave. 如果take the place of 的宾语是sb,则可以用take one’s place. my sister was absent at the moment. who can take her place/ take the place of her? 20. arrange v to organize or make plans ofr something such as meeting, party, or trip 安排,筹划,整理 *arrange to do sth   arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事  james is arranging a big surprising party for her. 詹姆斯正为海伦张罗一场令她惊喜的晚会。     have you arranged to meet mark this weekend?  i have arranged a student to take the place of you.  thanks to emergency, the school arranged the children to leave school at once. 由于紧急情况,学校安排孩子们马上离校。  it was arranged that i should teach you english this term.  matthew arrived at 2 o’clock as arranged.  如约而至  i arranged his paper before starting to write. 在写作前他整理了一下纸。 l     arrangement 安排 21.fold  v to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc by laying or pressing one part over another 折叠,对折   the paper should be folded in half.   i wish you would fold up your clothes.          to bend your arms or legs so that they are resting against your body. 交叉双臂,双腿   he stood silently with his arms folded.1234


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