
高二英语教案 2014-06-23 网络整理 晴天


高二英语unit11 scientific achievements知识点总复习教案
section i  课前准备、听力、口语
1. solar energy 太阳能。(p.1 warming up最后●)
1) n. [u] 精力;活力 young people usually have more energy than the old. 年轻人通常比老年人有活力。
2) n. [u]能,能量atomic energy原子能
* force力;指活动的力,是strength所展示出来的力;常被作“势力”用。* power力;用途最广,用于各种身的、心的、隐藏的、外显的力,和strength同义,但暗示能动的意思。* energy在物理学上指“能”;精力,活力。* strength体力;是内部的力,是在身体组织内存在的体力。 * might力;势力;强有力的力。you must use force to open that bottle. 你必须用力打开那个瓶子。/ some animals have the power to see in the dark. 有些动物具有在黑暗中能看见东西的本领。/ to everyone"s surprise, the old painter seemed to have more energy after his recovery from his serious illness than even the young. 使大家感到惊讶的是这位老画家在重病复原后似乎比青年人精力还要充沛些。/ i haven"t the strength to lift the table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。英语/ it"s beyond your might. 此事非你力所能及。英语
联想:energetic adj. 精力充沛的,积极的; energize vt. 使活跃,给予精力,加强; energizer n. 抗抑制剂;情绪兴奋剂英语
2. that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. 这对一个人来说是一小步,但对人类而言却是一大步。(p.2 words 第一行)/ you are working on sending a manned spaceship to mars. 你正在从事发射载人飞船上火星的工作。(p.2 speaking dr winfey)
1)男人[c]  in many countries in the world, men kiss each other when they meet. 在世界上许多国家里,男人们会晤时彼此亲吻。英语
2)人类[u](前面不用冠词)  man must make the earth support more people. 人类必须使地球养活更多的人。英语
3) vt. 操纵;给……配备人员ten workers were assigned to man the production line. 十名工人被派到生产线上进行操作。英语
4) manned adj. 载人的,由人操纵的。英语
联想:mankind人类; manner n. 方法、举止; manual adj. 手工的、体力的; manly 有男子气概的;刚强的; man-made人造的英语
3. you and your team are working on a cure for aids.你和你的队员们正在进行艾滋病治疗。(p.2 speaking / dr wilson) 英语
辨析:work on与work at
* work on从事某项工作(创造、创作、作画、制订、设计、草拟、研究……)。英语
* work at学习;研究;致力于;在……下功夫。英语
i"m working at my study. 我正在努力学习。/ he is working on a new dictionary. 他正在撰写一部新词典。英语
4. you want to develop new technology that will make it possible to grow food in areas where there is very little water. 你想发展新的技术,使得在没有水的地方生长食物成为可能。(p.2  speaking  ‘dr smith’)12
* make的复合结构
1) make+宾语+名词使……in 1849, marx went to england and made london the base for his revolutionary work. 1849年,马克思到了英国,把伦敦作为从事革命工作的基地。
2) make+宾语+形容词使… they have made their home-town rich. 他们已使家乡富有了。/ the policemen have made it clear that he is a thief. 警察已弄清楚他是个贼。
* 注意:上句it作为形式宾语代替后面that引导的从句。
3) make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 the boss made him work 10 hours a day. 老板让他每天工作十小时。
4) be made to do sth. 被迫做某事 the workers were made to work 10 hours a day. 工人们每天被迫工作十小时。
5) make + 宾语 + 过去分词使某人/某事被……英语
she couldn’t make herself heard. 别人听不到她的话。英语
5. if i got the money, i would...要是我得到钱。我会…… (p. 3 useful expressions 左1)
1) 本句为虚拟结构,表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句用一般过去式,主句为would (或should,could,might) + 动词原形 if i know the answer to the question, i should (would) tell you.如果我知道问题的答案,我会告诉你的。英语
2) 虚拟条件句中be的过去式一般为were。if i were you, i couldn"t accept her suggestion. 如果我是你,我不会接受她的建议。
6. i"d like... (=i"d love to...;反义词组:i"d hate to...) 我想要…… (p.3 useful expressions 右2)
本句型是should like或would like的缩略式,常用来表示“愿意”,尤其是礼貌地提出邀请或愿意提供帮助时。like后可接名词或带to的动词不定式,但不接动词-ing形式。
1) would like to do sth愿意做某事 -- would you like to go to the cinema with me tomorrow ? 明天你愿意和我一起去看电影吗? -- yes, i"d love to. (to不能省略掉) 是的,我愿意去。注意:其否定式为would like not to do sth.
2) would like (sb.) to do sth. i would like tom to do it at once. 我想要汤姆立刻去做这件事。
3) would like sth. 要什么东西 would you like some bread or coffee? 你想要些面包还是喝咖啡?



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