
暑假作业 2017-11-09 网络整理 晴天



  1-5 DDBDA 6-10 DBDAB

  11.3年后 12.实现 13.喂宠物鹦鹉 14.世界杯 15.最大的公司之一

  16.predict the future

  17.live in an apartment

  18.like living along

  19.fly the moon for vacation

  20.fall in love with

  21.housework 22.Eerything 23.fewer 24.Which 25.true

  26.astronauts 27.computers 28.paper 29.buildings 30.probably

  31.what weather like

  32.Will there No won't


  34.How soon will



  41.人口 42.Computer science 43.more expensive44.the same as 45.problem 46-50TTFFF


  1-5 BDBDA 6-10 DCDCB


  12.everyone else

  13.out of style

  14.get on well

  15.call sb.up /ring sb. Up/make a telephone to sb./telephone sb./phone sb.






  21.lound 22.either 23.fit 24.pressure 25.inexpensive

  26.except 27.complained 28.orgnized 29.argue 30.advice

  31.What I do

  32.is wrong

  33.the same age as


  35.buy for

  36-40EADCB 41-45BDCDA 46-50ACCDD


  1-5 AACBD 6-10 CDABA

  11.bathroom 12.climbing 13.killed 14.playground 15.volunteers

  16.kitchen 17.bought 18.copy 19.surprise 20.destroyed

  21.沿着…走 22.进来 23.听说 24.出去 ,离开 25.发生

  26.照顾 27.run away 28.take off 29.in silence 30.as···as

  31.didn't until

  32.to do

  33.How soon you

  34.landed while was walking

  35.she would


  41.An old cat

  42.Noshe couldn't 43.Angry


  45.I will be kind to the old cat

  46.Computers 47.office 48.example 49.jobs 50.good

  51.makes 52.have 53.home 54.front 55.shopping


  1-5 DCCCA 6-10 BBABB

  11.health 12.nervous 13.disappointing 14.lucky 15.true

  16.decision 17.hometown 18.graduatte



  21.身体健康 22.海平面 23.首先 24.打开25.传递

  26.克服 27.be supposed to 28.do better in 29.keep out 30.get on

  31.was good at 32.decied to 33.I can 34.20-minute walk 35.he would that

  36-40ADEBC 41-45TFFFT

  46.A flight attendant

  47.Eor two years

  48.Because she wanted to traval

  49.Five years

  50.At Hilltop Language School


  1-5 BACBB 6-10BCCCB

  11.玩的舒畅 12.拿走 13.一直 14.谋生 15.在世界各地

  16.help me organize the party

  17.make a lot of money

  18.half the class

  19.the rules for school parties

  20.take part in

  21.If don't will 22.will you you 23.keep dancing 24all the time

  25.here and there

  26.wear 27.would 28.do 29.won't 30.can't

  31.bring 32.not 33.but 34.leave 35.rule

  36.window 37.sincerely 38.charities 39.organized 40chance

  41.injured 42.tonight 43.flowers 44.during 45.education



  51.He was college studen

  52.Nohe wasn't

  53.Because he failed again in the make-up exam.

  54.His father thought he was a good boy.

  55.Nohe didn't.


  1-5 ABACC 6-10CBCAB

  11.一双溜冰鞋 12.收集风筝 13.一个有趣的收藏 14.第一次溜冰马拉松15.为慈善事业筹集资金

  16.several skater

  17.three and a half years

  18.collect theater and movie tickets

  19.the snow globe of the monster

  20.in fact

  21.How long have you


  23.our teachers

  24.has been dancing

  25.How soon

  26.on 27.Thank 28.For 29.Was 30.skated

  31.an 32.Do 33.been 34.Since 35.pair

  36.collection 37.raise 38.send 39.run 40.foreigners

  41.interested 42.Russian 43.Australia 44.thousands 45.colorful



  51.improve 52.difficut 53.dictionary 54.slowly 55.quiet


  1-5 DCDCB 6-10AABBB

  11.coughed 12.brought 13.uncomfortable 14.solution 15.Perhaps

  16.yard 17.pick 18.breaks 19.careful 20.Asian

  21.捡起… 22.扑灭 23.控制 24.首先25.违背规则

  26.take care 27.cut in line 28.wait in line 29.turn down 30.right away

  31.Could you please 32.Please early 33.Would mind 34.doesn't have to 35.Why does




  43-45CDA 46-50.BABDC


  1-5 DDBAA 6-10 ADCDA

  11.received 12.personal 13.encourage 14.gave 15.driving

  16.clearly 17.pigs 18.mice 19.cost 20.interest

  21.入睡 22.赠予 23.取得进步 24.对…感爱好25.与…交友

  26.hear of 27.interest of 28.agree with sb. 29.rather than 30.make sb. interested in

  31.not have 32.because it 33.What a special gift 34.not old enought 35.What you your

  36-40 EADBC

  41.earthquake 42.sadly 43.捐赠 44.died 45.A terrible earthquake in Whenchuan

  46.find 47.no 48.sad 49.station 50.buy

  51.tham 52.train 53.where 54.what 55.you

  56.simple life

  57.to look for a job

  58.Nohe doesn't

  59.he saw the money was used for a very good plan

  60.a kind/good man


  1-5 ACABB 6-10CDBAC

  11.all year round 12.on board 13.take a ride/go for a drive 14.wake up 15.an English speaking country

  16.四分之一 17.休假 18.玩的舒畅 19.曾经去过 20.结束

  21.foxes 22.excellent 23.spring 24.environment 25.season

  26.especially 27.wonderful 28.wakes 29.foreign 30.rather

  31.if don't 32.takes him to walk 33.It's of you 34.neither has 35.have had

  36.name 37.first 28.well 39.studying 40.been

  41.exchange 42.Really 43.When 44.improve 45.be

  46.very much

  47.on May 4(th)



  50.run jump

  51.Most 52.English 53.easy 54.special 55.temperature


  1-5 CDADA 6-10 CDBAD

  11.至少 12.小心 13.对某人友好 14.浏览 15.一点儿炎热

  16.get along well with

  17.at this time/at the moment

  18.thank-you note

  19.have a wonderful time

  20.come along

  21.through 22.elevator 23.least 24.fans 25.babies

  26.goodbye 27.running 28.cross 29.traffic 30.low

  31.cost her 32.did it 33.easy learn 34.What think of 35.No didn't

  36-40 DCEBA 41-45DCADA

  46.postman 47.afrsid 48.sent 49.surprised 50.useful


  1-5 BADDA 6-10 CCADC

  11.活到100岁 12.与某人打架 13.一位国家英雄 14.成绩单 15.环游世界

  16.on my ninth birthday 17.be excited to do sth 18.make progress 19.exchange student 20.be friendly to

  21.either 22.kitchen 23.herself 24.meaning 25.flowers

  26.interview 27.careful 28.capital 29.especially 30.housework

  31.won't visit 32.What's trouble /matter 33.don't think should 34.the same as 35.got while

  36-40 EDBCA 41-44.TFTB


  46.make 47.money 48.famous 49.dangerous 50.though


  1-5 ACABD 6-10CBDAA

  11.受到某人的欢迎 12.违背规则 13.一年到头 14.对某人友好 15.自从去年开始

  16.fly rockets to the moon

  17.on the other hand

  18.run away

  19.the Ministry of Education

  20.make money

  21.husband 22.except 23.against 24.village 25.encourages

  26.stamp 27.brought 28.foreigners 29.excellent 30.traffic

  31.While watching 32.don't happy 33.told her is 34.Will there be 35.How long has

  36-40 BDECA 41-44 ETEA


  46.light 47.spaceship 48.door 49.run 50.picked

  51.speak 52.asked 53.anymore 54.took 55.believe


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