[趣味英语谜语]大班英语谜语(English Riddles)

亲子游戏 2017-10-12 网络整理 晴天


english riddles
1.you can’t smell it. you can’t feel it. you can’t look at it. you can’t taste it. but it’s there. what is it?   (air)
2.it’s white, cold and falls from the sky. what is it? (snow.)
3.it’s very hot, it gives us light, and we can see it in the sky. what’s it? (the sun.)
4.what days are the strongest in a week? (saturday and sunday. because the other days are weekdays / weak days)
5.what man can not live in a room?  (snowman.)
6.what question can never be answered by “yes”?  (are you sleeping?)
7.what table is in the field?  (vegetable.)
8.i have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers but no water. what am i? (a map.)
9.where can you always find money? (in a dictionary.)
10.what letter sounds like a vegetable? (pp – pea.)
11.what letter is a kind of drink? (tt--tea)
12.what letter is part of your body? (ii--eye)
13.what letter can fly? ( be--bee)
14.what letter is a question? (yy – why?)
15.what thing has legs but can walk? (a table.)
16.what thing has a mouth but can’t talk? (a cup.)
17.what has one eye but can’t see anything? (a needle.)
18.mr. smith can stop a car with only one hand. why? (because he is a policeman.)
19.it has five letters. it has six left if you take two letters away. what is it? (sixty.)
20.what kind of dog doesn’t bite or bark? (hot dog.)(热狗)
21.what is the smallest room in the world? (mushroom.)
22.what has teeth but can’t eat?  comb
23.what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? ( blackboard)
24.what has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?  (clock)
25.it comes in winter and makes the weather colder.what is it?  (snow)
26.what animal carries two hills on its back?  ( camel)
27.what animal wears big black glasses on its face?  (panda)
28.what animal sleeps in daytime but flies at night?   (bat)
29.what is the smallest room in the world? ( what room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?)  mushroom. (蘑菇)
30.what has teeth but can’t eat?  (comb)
31.i am seen in the water,if seen in the sky,i am in the rainbow, what color ? (blue)
32.what table is in the field? (vegetable)
33.i have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. what am i?
what animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn’t a cat?  a kitten.(小猫)
34.it is ve what is the most difficult key to turn?  donkey (驴、傻瓜)12
35.i have wings but i'm not a bird ,i am small and colorful. i live in gardens and fields and forests. (butterfly)
36.i have four legs and a long tail. i have sharp teeth and claws. i like to chase mice. ( cat)
37.i have two legs, two wings and a tail. i eat worms and bugs and grain. i lay eggs. ( chicken)
38.i have four legs. i'm very smart and i like to play. i like to smell things. i can wag my tail.( dog)
 39.i have 4 legs and i am green and i can jump. i have good camouflage. i live in ponds and lakes. who am i? (frog)
40.i live in a bowl. i can swim. i have a tail. i also have fins and big eyes. (golden fish)
41.i have four legs and a long tail. i eat oats and hay. i love to run fast. i let people ride on my back.  (horse)
42.i have a little tail. my nose is called a snout. i live on a farm. i can say, "oink-oink"   (pig)
43.i am small and shy. i have eight legs. i eat bugs. i catch them in my web. ( spider)
44.i live in the ocean. i swim wherever i want. i sing to my family. i can breathe through a hole in the top of my head.  ( whale)
45.i have four legs and a tail. i have no teeth. i can swim and dive underwater. i carry my house around with me.  (turtle)
46.i have two long ears. i am small. i am soft. i am cute and furry. people think i eat carrots. who am i?   (rabbit)


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