[高三英语选修10单词]高三英语选修10 Unit4 grammar and usage教案

高三英语教案 2014-10-07 网络整理 晴天


高三英语选修10 unit4 grammar and usage教案    5th period                grammar and usage
    language  styles
    ability goals 
    enable the students to learn to use proper language styles in proper situations.
    learning ability goals 
    help the students to learn how to use proper language styles in proper situations.
    teaching important points
    teach differences between spoken and written english; differences between formal and informal styles.
    teaching difficult points
    help students learn how to choose proper languages styles according to the situations.
    teaching methods
    question-and-answer activity and practice
    teaching aids
    a computer and a blackboard
    teaching procedure
    i. greetings and revision
    1.talk about the types of cybercrime.
    2.how to fight against cybercrime.
    ii. language styles
    1.the most important difference in the english language style is between spoken and written forms of english. within spoken and written forms of english, there are also differences between formal and informal styles.
    2.read the texts and decide which is formal and which is informal
    text 1 informal
    a. hi mike. it"s alice"s birthday tomorrow. shall we buy her a present?
    b. yes, of course, what about some flowers?
    a. flowers are lovely. but i"d prefer to get her a cd. you know she loves music.
    b. good idea.
    it uses simple sentence structures, the active voice, less formal language and contractions.
    text 2  formal
    a. good morning, mr. smith. the report is finished. shall i present it to you?
    b. please give it to me in an hour. i have a meeting with some customers about our new product.
    a. i am sorry to interrupt you. please inform me when you are finished and have time to look at the report.
    b. yes, i will.
    it uses the passive voice and is obviously a formal setting between two professionals.
    general guide
    formal informal
    written text essays
    letters of application letters to friends or family123
    text messages
    spoken language
    formal speeches
    addressing strangers talking to people we know well (family members and friends)
    formal style
    1)we often find complex sentence structures, including the passive voice and subordinate clauses.
    subordinate clause
    ordinary citizens are aware of the frequent computer-related crimes that happen since many computer users are affected by computer viruses.
    passive voice
    2)we also find more abstract nouns.
    there has been an increase in the incidence of crime.
    informal style
    1)we often use simple sentence structures.
    people are worried about computer viruses.
    2)we often use active voice.
    you should go to the university and talk to the detective in charge of campus police about the theft.
    3)we also find a lot of colloquial language, and there are contractions.
    we"ve heard lots of reports of financial fraud
    iii. practice
    1. which text is formal and which is informal
    text 1
    good morning, viewers, and welcome to "sunday topics". many crimes that

take place in our city are caused by a lack of money. my guest, dr. johnson, believes so. we will be covering this and many other topics, as well as talking to you, the public, about your thoughts on the issues of today. i hope that you are going to stay with us for the next forty minutes.
    text 2
    hi, everyone, and glad to see you again in "sunday topics". dr. johnson is my guest, and he says that many crimes that take place in our city are caused by a lack of money. we"ll look at this and other interesting topics as well as chatting to you about today"s issues. i think you"ll like it, so stay with us.
    text 1 : formal style
    it features sentences with passive voice, subordinate clauses and abstract nouns.
    text 2 : informal style
    it uses colloquial language and contractions, as well as simple sentences and the active.
    2. part a  p.57
    formal informal123
    spoken b   d   e a    j
    written f    h c   i   g
    3. part b    p. 57
    hey, you------ shut the door!
    would you be so kind as to shut the door, please?
    visitors are requested to shut the door quietly when leaving the building.
    by order of the headmaster, these doors must be kept shut at all times.
    please shut the door.
    would you mind shutting the door?
    6 3 1 2 5 4
    be quiet.
    could i trouble you to turn the volume on the radio down a little, please?
    visitors are politely requested to keep their voices down at all times.
    shut up!
    silence is requested in this area while the examinations are being given.
    please stop talking!
    5 3 1 6 2 4
    work in pairs and make a dialogue in a informal or formal style.
    iv. homework
    revise the grammatical points 
    do part c1 and c2 on page 124.
    preview the task



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