【easter】Easter Bunny复活节2
3. 学习简单制造复活蛋。
句子:color the eggs, lots of fun. go on an egg hunt.
2.easter bunny的音乐磁带
1. warm up
<1>. greetings.
<2>. chant: "easter bunny"
2. make an easter egg
t1: (play as very sad.)
t: easter bunny, why are you so sad?
t1: easter is coming. i have to make many easter eggs. maybe i can"t finish.
t: oh, easter bunny is busy making easter eggs. boys and girls, can you help
c: yes, we can.
t: do you know how to make the easter egg? (have some children answer.) easter
bunny, can you tell us how to
t1: of course. at first, roll the newspaper into a ball. is the egg beautiful?
t: no, because it has no clothes.
t1: now, let me make clothes for it---color the egg. draw some lines or pictures
you like on the white paper.
third, envelop the newspaper ball with the picture. look, is the easter egg
beautiful now?
t&c: yes, it"s very beautiful. i want to try.
(guide the children make easter egg and say"color the egg, lots of fun "at the
same time.)
3. hide and find eggs
t1: (play as a little sad.)
t: easter bunny, you have many easter eggs now. why are you still unhappy?
t1: because i have to hurry to hide the eggs.
t: oh, you have to hide the eggs. boys and girls, would you like to help her
c: yes.
t: i want to divide you into two groups. scissors, cut! cut! cut! later, group1
follows easter
bunny to hide the eggs. group2 follows me and waits for a minute, then let"s go
to have an egg
hunt. ok?
c: ok.
(take the children to play in the garden.)
t: put on the headband please. group2, would you please close your eyes.
t1: group1, are you ready? let"s go to hide the eggs. (play the music: "easter
bunny") "easter
bunny hop! hop! hop! hide the eggs, down and up."
t: group2, please take your basket. let"s go on an egg hunt.
4. count the eggs
t: how many eggs have you found?
how many eggs are there in your basket?
5. group1 changes its role with group2.
6. follow up
encourage the kids to make easter egg at home and listen to the tape everyday.
活动(三)体育游戏:carry the easter eggs
1 练习钻的技能。
2 愿意参与游戏活动,体验体育活动的乐趣。
3 培养幼儿初步的竞争意识和团结合作精神。
4 短语:carry the easter eggs
1. warm up
<1>. t: four lines, please. attention.
c: one, two.
t: march in your place. left , right… march quickly.
<2>. chant: easter bunny
2. lead into
t: easter is coming. easter bunny has made many easter eggs. now, she is busy
carrying the easter eggs. but there"s
something difficult on her way. she has to go through the barriers, so she is
very slow. let"s go to help her. ok?
c: ok.
3. set an example
t: two of you in each group hold one piece of paperboard and get ready. we carry
the easter egg through the barriers
and the arch bridge. put the egg into the basket. then the next pair goes on.
which group can finish first at the
same time will be the winner. are you clear?
4. carry the eggs
5. count the eggs
6. play the game one more time
7. follow up
encourage the children to play the game with their parents at home.12
设计意图: 孩子们对蝴蝶有着浓厚的兴趣,除了观看有关蝴蝶的资料,捉蝴蝶,看蝴蝶,画蝴蝶外还提出了要老师帮着画蝴蝶的样子,要学剪蝴蝶,故预设了下面的剪纸活动。 目标: 1、学习小花的折剪方法,会用剪刀在其边缘剪出空缺。 2、感受剪纸的美以及体验协作成功的快乐。 过程: 一、引导...
活动目标1、能用浓淡不同的墨以及毛笔的不同部位勾画螃蟹身体的不同部位。2、喜欢水墨画活动,体会创作的快乐。 活动准备 毛笔、宣纸、国画颜料、墨汁、调色盘、毛毡活动过程1、教师引导幼儿欣赏挂图,激发幼儿兴趣。(1)教师(出示挂图):“画面上有什么?它们在做什么?它是什么样子的?它的身体和脚的颜色...
大班美术:报纸拼贴画学习目标. 通过对图形进行变化操作,发现图形之间可以相互变化、转换和重组。. 利用各种图形进行创作活动,发挥创造性。活动准备. 教具:用报纸裁好的三角形、长方形、梯形、圆形拼成一幅画(机器人)。. 学具:每人一套用报纸裁好的各种图形,放在信封中。....
一.说教材在幼儿教育实践中,很多艺术教育的内容是来源于生活,内容的选择是以幼儿已有的生活经验为基础。马路是幼儿熟悉的环境,与幼儿生活紧密相关,尤其是马路上各种各样的车,深受幼儿喜爱,本活动贴近生活,是幼儿所熟悉的,易于接受的,能让幼儿在活动过程中充分表现自己的情感和体验。二.说教法 为了达到预定...
设计初衷: 水滴在生活中再平凡不过,但通过对它的联想,来挖掘孩子们的创造力、想象力。孩子们天生素质差距不大,由身边的事物培养他们“观察生活”、“大胆想象”、“创意无限”的习惯。让孩子们长大后,在不同的工作岗位上都会发挥创造力,这就是每一位教师教书育人的目的。活动目标:1、提供视觉元素,由孩子发...
活动目标 1、在观察螃蟹的基础上,学习用折、编的方法制作螃蟹。 2、激发幼儿对做做玩玩的兴趣。提高幼儿的动手能力。 3、培养幼儿良好的操作习惯。 活动准备:纸条、彩纸、胶水、纸盒、课件、 活动过程: 一、 谜语引出主题 钳子一双,尖刀八把, 身披盔甲,横行天下。 二、 利用课件、观察螃蟹的外行特...
活动目标:1 观察并欣赏贺年卡漂亮的外表、精美的图案和文字,能使用剪贴、折叠、图画装饰等方法制作贺年卡。2 了解贺卡在人与人交往中的作用以及贺卡所蕴含的情感。3 能正确使用剪刀,有及时收纳的意识,保持良好的手工制作习惯。活动准备:1 经验准备,收集一些贺卡带到幼儿园与大家分享。2 各种造型、图案的贺...