
寒假作业 2015-09-02 网络整理 晴天




  1、(1)桥 效 娇 (2)荒 慌 流 (3)桨 浆 将

  2、 ⑨ ② ⑦ ⑧ ① ⑥ ③ ⑩ ④

  3、 怀疑 浪费 深邃


  1.槐花 玉雕圆球 2.云雾 白色绒帽 3.大虾 武将


  1.5 2 1 4 3

  2. 闻① 潜②


  1. 比比皆是 谆谆教导 欣欣向荣 落落大方 洋洋得意 (AABC类词)

  2. 一心一意 枯燥无味 呆头呆脑

  3. 他喜欢种花。为了种花还专门买了一本怎样种花的书—《花镜》来看。他还专门在各种花旁边插上竹签,写明花的名称,弄得津津有味。第二,他喜欢描画。那时候没有美术课,他自己买了一些宣纸,映在绣像小说上,把书上的人物、房屋等描下来,再订成一本一本的小册子。这对他以后在南京路矿学堂学画图很有帮助。


  1、性格开朗 爱护公物 工作细致 发言热烈 反映情况 节奏欢快 发扬优点 环境优雅

  2姹紫嫣红 心直口快 眉开眼笑 摇头晃脑 挑三拣四横七竖八 虎口余生 甜言蜜语 扬长避短 喧宾夺主(答案不唯一)











  1. ①老师讲了小明的许多事迹。 ②他知道自己错了,心情很沉重。

  2. 老师提出问题。

  3. 池塘里的荷叶姑娘在微风中摇动着,翩翩起舞。(答案不唯一)


  1.B 2. ⑴严格 不但……而且…… 夸奖 优秀 夸耀 ⑵夸耀 因为……所以…… 严厉


  1.⑴ ② ⑵③ 2. ⑴ ② ⑵① ⑶④


  1.草色遥看近却无。 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。

  2.苏轼→东坡居士 欧阳修→六一居士 白居易→香山居士 李白→青莲居士



  Ⅰ. shorts dress shoes apple skirt tomato Ⅱ. B D C E A Ⅲ. A B B A B Ⅳ. C A D C C A

  Ⅴ. 1.twelve 2.Six Four 3.four five nine 4.nurse 5.Two Five 6.eight three eleven 7.two 8.England Ⅵ.1.8个 2.C


  Ⅰ.B A B A A Ⅱ.1.三年级二班 2.小心!当心!3.醒醒!4.做游戏 5.play football 6.go shopping 7. have a look at/look at 8. big ears

  Ⅲ.C E A D B Ⅳ.D G A F B C E Ⅴ. A B A B A B A A Ⅵ. B D C A


  Ⅰ.D E B C A Ⅱ. nine Four Seven six five eight Ⅲ.C A C B B

  Ⅳ.What is this? We look like twins. Are you sure? What's this in English? Let's play a game. Ⅴ.略

  Ⅵ. 1.I water 2.apples bananas 3. on sweater 4.eight seven


  Ⅰ. C A A B A Ⅱ. C D B C Ⅲ. 1. a dress 2.cloudy 3.Three Six 4.bananas 5.twelve Ⅳ.A B A B B B Ⅴ.Ⅵ.略


  Ⅰ. eggplant lemon jeans nurse shirt sweater Ⅱ. me on you are at a at the an on rainy Ⅲ. help me you on

  Ⅳ.A A B C A A A B Ⅴ.× × √ × √


  Ⅰ. B C D E A Ⅱ.1.(一条)长鼻子 2.(一条)短尾巴 3.(一张)大嘴 4.(两只)长耳朵 5. a fat cat 6. a short girl 7. a small apple 8. a red shirt 9. a new shirt 10. two tall boys Ⅲ. C A C E B Ⅳ.A C B C C B A A A A

  Ⅴ. banana apple pineapple orange watermelon pear mango Ⅵ.B E C F D A


  Ⅰ.A C d f f h H J J L N P Q S p r U W C E w y V X Ⅱ.nine oranges ball juice shirt

  Ⅲ.1.a tomato 2. it isn't 3.rainy 4.Five four 5. China 6. pears Ⅳ.E B A F C D


  Ⅰ.D A B C E F Ⅱ.D E B C A Ⅲ.C A B B B Ⅳ.C C A B A B B B B A Ⅴ. D A C B.


  Ⅰ.略Ⅱ.long sweater cap fine/nice/sunny oranges Ⅲ.D E C B A Ⅳ.2 4 1 5 3 6 Ⅴ. C C A C B

  Ⅵ.Can we have a look at that vest? Where are my yellow shoes? An elephant has two big ears and a short tail. Shall we go to the zoo? Ⅶ.× √ × × ×


  Ⅰ.Kk Oo Qq Cc Pp Mm Bb Jj Ww Ll Ⅱ.C D A B C Ⅲ.A B B B A A Ⅳ.ears ars hree even eather all/hin ight Ⅴ.D B A C


  Ⅰ.tomato potato cap sweater skirt Ⅱ.go see don't or have at shoes is T-shirt Ⅲ.

  × × √ × × Ⅳ.B B A Ⅴ.× √ √ × ×


  Ⅰ.略 Ⅱ. C C C C C Ⅲ.your is class in number four friends good Ⅳ.C C B B A


  Ⅰ.pineapple apple lemon pears friends shirt Ⅱ.in a do I it Ⅲ.Let's play a counting game. show me that green cucumber. What is three and eleven? Shall we go to the zoo? What is in your pencil-box? Ⅳ.B B A B A Ⅴ.long big small short


  Ⅰ.a red apple play with my kite go swimming 生日快乐! 踢足球 去购物 Ⅱ.B A D C

  Ⅲ.big small oranges bananas dress new seven eight cloudy nurse

  Ⅳ.1.is a nice jacket. 2.show me that blouse. 3. it and see. 4. us go shopping. 5. is the weather today? Ⅴ.D C E A B Ⅵ.√ × × √ √


  Ⅰ. a i e a y a i/o o a i/a Ⅱ.short small thin hot new Ⅲ.A B B B B Ⅳ.× × √ √ ×


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